Chapter 13

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'No DNA found on the corpse, but an X engraved on her hand and a letter in it... See what our profiler wrote about it... uhm... the murderer could be a DID  (Dissociative Identity Disorder) serial killer? Interesting idea... Ji Won found an old case, in which the victim had  the same sign in the hand, but  was a man'. The Captain was discussing the case with his men. 'What do you think about it?' He asked to Lee Seung gi, the ace of the team. 

'It could be an option...but it's too early to say it. I will keep it in mind... why does she think so?' Seung gi asked to his Captain.

'In her report, detective Kim wrote that reading the letter, she noted some passages, a strange way of writing, like the person doesn't know who he/she is'. Bo gum replied.

'I have faith in the intuition of our beautiful profiler... she  managed to find a trace of similarity in two different murders ... so now we can believe that this is done by a serial killer, and it is no more a single case. How she did it, I have no idea ... with all the unsolved cases we have on files ...'

During a break, the two men were taking a snack from the wending machine.

'Do you think Miss Kim is really a good profiler?' The Beast asked to Ace...

'So far... one of the best I knew. Since she arrived, we resolved three very difficult cases...we were groping in the dark, but she gave us the light to move in the right direction. Honestly, I think that her mind is on another level... sometimes she scares me, as she understands the killers because she thinks like them. And from what I know she is a profiler only recently. If this murderer is really a serial killer like she wrote, we are in trouble. It's a shame that she wasn't in the meeting this morning. I wanted to ask her some details' Ace said.

'She told me that we can call her if we need to ask something about the report' The Captain replied.

'I know her... she is always available to help the others, but the doctor said us, without her knowing,  to let her rest the most possible, because she gets tired easily. Maybe he said that, because he is not only her doctor. Sometimes he comes here to check her. He cherishes her too much to be only a patient... so the voices at the corridor give him as the best candidate to be her man'.

That night the thought of Beauty with the doctor, didn't leave him.

Days passed, and the Beauty and the Beast, with all their team, went on with the investigations.

A Friday afternoon, Bo gum received a call...

'Hi... I don't know if you remember me, I'm Ji Won's sister. I have known that you two work together again. I would like to see you again after a long time. I'm organizing a dinner in an Italian restaurant with my sister and my future husband, tomorrow evening. It's my pleasure to invite you if you doesn't have other commitments and if this doesn't disturb you. But... if you like good food, please consider it'. Ji Hyun said.

He didn't know why, but Saturday, he was in front of the Italian restaurant 'OGNI REGIONE'.

The waiter guided him to the table. The place was simple, little and clean. The smell was delicious... He saw Ji hyun from the front and Ji won from the back.  When he greeted the group, Ji won was incredulous. 'What are you doing here?' She said.

'I invited him, sister. It was a long time since I saw him and today is a special day, so I wanted to have him here with us. I hope you are ok with it'. 

'Why is it special?' Ji Won asked.'

 'Joong ki and I have decided to marry'.

'Congratulations sister and brother in law... when the date?' 

'At the end of May...'

'Congrats!' Beast was always of few words.

'And what about you?' Ji Hyun asked to Bo gum.

'I'm still not... ' Ji won didn't commented. She was concentrated to choose the right food...

'For me... olive ascolane, insalata di mare, pappardelle al ragù' Beauty was happy to try this new food. Everyone made his choices.

The conversation went on general chat, like politics, society etc... but when they began to eat, silence was the only sound. After the dishes were empty, they started to speak again.

'How is to be a captain?' Joong ki asked to the other man.

 'It's hard. Because we fight to find someone and usually the only witness is dead'.

'And your work?' Ji Won asked to her next brother in law. 

'It's hard, because we fight to find something to help the others, but we don't know how. In both cases, only the research can help us'.

After paid the bill, all of them went out. 

'Lovebirds go home... I take a taxi. Captain, see you at work' Ji Won said. 

'I have my car here, so I bring you at home' Bo Gum replied.

'Thank you Mr Park, you are a gentleman. I'm more relieved, now' Ji Hyun happily said and went with Joong Ki.

'Sorry for my sister's behavior. Obviously she is trying to put us together. I didn't know it, otherwise I had stopped her'. Ji Won was dismayed. 

'It has been a good dinner and a pleasure conversation, so don't worry. Take it for what it was... a break to relax ourselves... and... I'm curious... what happened to your 'friend' Lee Joon?' 

'Do you remember his name?' 

'If I'm a beast, maybe an elephant...' she couldn't help laughing, probably because she had also drunk some wine meanwhile he was sober because he should drive.

'He is a superstar now... one of the best dancers in South Korea. From the newspapers, seems that he has a new flame...' she was a little sad, but nothing more. 'And your female colleague? How is she?'

'She is fine. She has a new partner. I miss her'. This time his voice carried a deep meaning. 

'Oh... I understand'. She knew that his feelings for the other woman, were the same that she had for him. In silence they arrived to her home, that was at the opposite side of his.

'Thank you for the ride. Let me pay for fuel...'

'You always said foolishness...' he went out to take the wheelchair, opened her car's door and brought out her in his arms and she crossed her hands in his neck. Their eyes met. 'I missed you too...' Bo Gum stated. And before put her on the chair, his impulse guided him to her lips. They started to kiss, before slowly, after more and more deeply. Their tongues fought  to found and taste each other. When they were without breat, they leaves, to begin immediately after again. He was drunk of her. They don't know how, but found themeselves at her bed and started to have sex.

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