Episode Nine: Goat(Pt. 1)

Start from the beginning

The red-fur boy, whose last name was known as Williams, remembered Spillsberry as a growing population. There was one moment where Spillsberry held a grand celebration of the Green Eggs and Ham eating contest and most of the people living in the nearby cities like Floriana or Meepville would come by the town and became entertained by the celebration. He's forced to go to it once. Despite the fact that he blended in perfectly by cheering on the contesters and playing with the other kids, the emotion wasn't there to back him up on it. He truly never liked it for one specific reason. People.

"People are such cruel creatures," his father once told him. "They play gods and kings when all they did was to make us suffer. And here we are, getting to play the pawns. That's what life is, son...a chess game and there are two paths to choose from. One could either rule the world or become weak. So, which role will you play, Lloyd? A pawn or a king?"

The red fur boy, Lloyd Williams, continued to meander throughout the small town while throwing away that stupid memory of the contest. He found a county library where he snuck through the back door. He wandered down the aisle full of books and picked a couple of books off the shelves randomly. He knew he couldn't exit out since the librarian suspected him coming in through this way. She does seem confused but if she figured out what he's going to do, she would immediately report him. He has to be smart about this. He articulated that the librarian would go to the back door to close it since he left it open on purpose. When she got up from her desk to close the back door, he quietly skulked towards the entryway and ran through the streets as fast as he can. He immediately climbed back into his bedroom window while hearing his parents' disputes still.

He heard a loud thud again but this time, it involved the glass breaking. He heard more screaming but it came from his father while continuing to hear the constant bang from the living room. But it finally ended. Lloyd strolled out of his bedroom with his books held in his arms and found his father standing over his dead mother's body.

His father shot a threatening glare at Lloyd, who doesn't know how to even react to all this. "If you know your role, you would walk away from this and not say a word to anyone. Got it?"

Lloyd nodded his head slowly in understanding and made his way to his bedroom with his shoulders tense. He closed his bedroom door while pondering about his mother who just died. She would get into a lot of fights with his father but she's no better than him. He could recall that one moment where his relationship with his mother was lost. He's only five when she slapped him across the face harshly. He cried his tears out but with each tear he shed, she slapped him harder and left some bruises on his cheeks. He didn't know why she did that...was that supposed to teach him a lesson? If that was meant for a lesson, then it made a bigger impact than expected.

The same couldn't be said about his father. He would come home drunk and beat his mother and then him. That's why he always had the bedroom door closed. His father was too over his head from that disgusting liquid to do some simple things like opening the door. However, he barricaded his bedroom door with his isolated chair underneath the doorknob just in case.

Lloyd had a fire stove that he built. Surprisingly, it's still burning the wood he put in...which kept him slightly warm. He closed his window and threw the books he stole from the county library in the fire to keep the flames going. However, the flames in his fire stove weren't warm enough for him.


Lloyd wandered through the library the next day but it's not for the books this time. He used a crowbar to barricade the backdoor. Luckily, the librarian hadn't noticed because of her hearing problems. Lloyd had a black eye from the early fight from the gang of boys. The same cop showed up and scared him away from them as usual. But he's in the library now. He bumped into a girl unexpectedly. Her books were knocked out of her arms and Lloyd jumped in to help her.

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