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"Well, I think I should go," Stella spoke up after a moment

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"Well, I think I should go," Stella spoke up after a moment. 

She had disliked how quiet it was, she was sick of the quiet. Stella was going to leave without Elijah knowing, but she thought that was something that was incredibly rude, thus her speaking up at the moment.

As Stella was moving backward from Alaric's door, and getting ready to go, Elijah had grabbed on to her bicep.

This had caused Stella to look towards where Elijah's hand had rested, and then leading her eyes to the man himself. She would not deny that there was an instant attraction between the two. She knew that was present between the two of them, but she had Ivy to consider. 

"I apologize for how silent I have been since we have met," Elijah stated.

There was no reason for him to feel the complete feeling of feeling awkward around her, but it was not something that he could ignore. The instant connection that he had felt with a girl was something that he would not put aside. 

He wanted to put it aside, he desperately did. But he just couldn't.

"There is no need to apologize for your actions. There is no harm in being silent," Stella had replied. 

She had wanted to keep a form of professionalism and formality around the original, it was not every day that she would meet one. 

There was limited knowledge that Stella had on the original family, mostly because she was in isolation and disliked what she was. She did not hate it too much, but she did not accept it all either. Especially the painful turning into a wolf.

Then, Stella had heard the sound of one baby, a person who would always put a smile on her face. It was Ivy, and a woman who had watched over her while Stella was working in the school had come and given the baby to Stella, Stella forgetting that it was going to be her break soon. 

The baby had begun to babble loudly, excited to be around Stella. 

Though, Elijah, on the other hand, knew nothing about this child. How could he? He does not even know the stranger that he has felt a connection to in an instance. 

"Hello my baby," Stella spoke in an overdramatized baby voice.

Ivy had continued to giggle in her mother's arms until she had glanced to where Elijah was standing. When Ivy had seen Elijah, she had begun to reach out towards where Elijah was standing, causing Stella to move back to facing where Elijah was standing.

Once she had moved to face Elijah, Ivy was becoming much fussier in Stella's arms, causing Stella to begin to laugh awkwardly.

"Ivy, this is Elijah," Stella had introduced Elijah to her daughter.

Elijah did not know what to think when he saw Stella holding the baby, talking to her. He thought that she must already be in a relationship and that he had no chance of being able to pursue a relationship with her. 

With this in mind, Elijah's insecurities had swirled around his head.

VIRTUOUS, Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now