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"It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm Stella Flemming," Stella replied

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"It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm Stella Flemming," Stella replied.

As Stella spoke, Elijah had leaned forward as though he was coming closer just to hear her voice. Her voice sounded as though she was an angel but in Elijah's eyes, she was even more than that. 

Klaus had glanced at his brother and had furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not knowing what had been going on with his older brother. This was rare for Elijah in the first place, and he was acting even odder than usual.

"If you would all follow me please," Stella spoke. 

As she spoke, she was moved her fingers in an indication to follow her. To Luna and Klaus, she had looked completely normal, but to Elijah, she had looked like a seductress.

Though, Stella Flemming was far from being a seductress. She had little time for romance with Ivy, and she was content that way. 

As Stella had moved towards the front door, Elijah had sped up to the door and before she could open it, he had opened it for her.

Stella had thus smiled at him, and her smile was something that Elijah would always treasure. She had then placed her hand against the door, close enough to Elijah's hand, and then moved her hand ahead. 

The twin girls of the Mikaelson couple had run inside and were looking around the area in fascination. Their eyes had continuously moved around the inside of the school, not knowing what the place would hold for them in their futures.

"Well as I think you might know, this school was named after the Salvatore brothers, I do not know much about them, but from what I know they were good friends of Ric," Stella spoke. 

Klaus and Luna had continued to look around the school, putting Elijah's odd actions in the back of their minds. What no one in the group knew was that Elijah himself was questioning his actions.

He himself had not known why he was acting in the way that he was at the moment. Elijah had very rarely lost his composure, and that had only happened when it came to his family. 

In this case, when Elijah had seen Stella, something had ignited within him. This side of him was hidden deep within him, the monster that he once was wanted to come out and play for reasons that were unknown to Elijah. 

He wanted to throw away all her inhibitions when he had seen her, caring little for the family members that were around him, even though usually they were at the forefront of his mind.

Elijah was so lost in his thoughts that he had yet to realize that the tour was over and that Klaus and Luna were going to meet with Alaric. Even though his hybrid brother hated the man, Luna had convinced him to give the school a chance for their children. 

For the hybrid, his twin girls were all that had mattered to him. Nothing would change that. 

Soon enough, the couple had gone to Alaric's office to meet with him, leaving Elijah to be lost in thought, and Stella to stand right next to him in silence.

VIRTUOUS, Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now