Ending it All.

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*knock, knock*

Mia got up. "Steph you're going to miss your plane." Mia yelled as she opened the front door.

"Hello love," Vince said as he grabbed Mia by the neck and pulled her outside.

Mia gasped. She felt tears sting her eyes from the amount of fear that washed over her.

Vince slammed her back against the front of the house. His hand slightly tightening around her neck. His eyes wandered down her body.

"Well well someone has been a busy whore." Vince sneered rubbing his other hand over Mia's baby bump. "This was supposed to be my baby!" Vince yelled pulling Mia away from the wall just to slam her back against it.

"P-p-please!" Mia cried out.

"Ah you still stutter when you're scared guess something's don't change." Vince chuckled. "You are coming with me! You belong to me! I bought you! You are mine! I own you! And that baby...."

The way Vince trailed off she knew what he had planned for the babies... he would kill them.

Vince began to pull Mia towards a small black sports car. Mia tried to pull out of his grip.

"No! Please stop!" Mia cried and begged.

Suddenly the front screen door opened and Dave came rushing out and punched Vince in the jaw, before Vince knew what was happening he was knocked on the ground. Dave grabbed Mia and looked her over.

"Are you okay?" Dave asked.

"Ye...." Mia began to reply before she was cut off.

Vince had retrieved a bat from his car and knocked Dave out with it. Vince grabbed Mia again and pulled her closer to the car.

"Damn it!" Vince raised the bat ready to knock Mia out to put an end to her fighting him.

"I wouldn't if I were you!" Dean shouted at Vince, Dean had a large handgun and was aiming towards Vince. Vince slowly set the bat down and let go of Mia. Mia rushed to check on Dave.

"How about you fight me like a man," Vince demanded.

"A man doesn't hit a lady but you know what, I would still be more then happy to beat your ass." Dean said siting the gun down. He rolled up his sleeves as he strode over towards Vince. They began to circle each other, each one waiting for the other to throw the first punch.

"Fuck this," Vince said as he began to walk away.

"Seriously?" Dean dropped his guard. Vince grabbed some gravel and threw it in deans eyes, temporally blinding him. Vince quickly grabbed his bat and hit Dean in the head with it. He stepped over Deans body and raised the bat high up.

"I'm going to bash in your skull!" Vince yelled. Just as he started the swing down towards Deans unconscious head.....

*bang, bang, bang*

Vince fell over. His body jerked a little before it completely stilled. Mia dropped to her knees sobbing. She crawled to Dean to check on him. He wasn't bleeding but he was knocked out like Dave.

The rest of the brothers came rushing over from hearing gun fire.

"Mia are you okay?" Connor asked picking Mia up and carrying her towards the house.

"I'm fine.... but I'm.... worried.... about Dean.... and Dave." Mia sobbed.

"Don't worry, Eli and the others will take care of them." Connor sat on the couch with Mia still in his arms. She curled up on his lap. Connor whispered sweet reassuring words to Mia as he drew small circles on her back with his fingers. Mia didn't even realize that everyone was inside now and Dean and Dave were awake. Eli gave them both a bag of frozen veggies to hold on the spot the bat hit them.

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