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"Life is what
Happens when
You're busy
Making other plans"
-John Lennon

Elle and the dads came over A Lot past few weeks. Mia was around sixteen weeks pregnant now and starting to show. Four more weeks and they would learn the genders of the triplets.

"Mia what date do you want to set for the wedding?" Elle asked trying to help plan it.

"We were thinking in about 5 weeks," Mia shrugged while snack on some carrots and ranch. "We don't want to rush it but I also don't want to look like a beached whale on my wedding day. Also we were going to reveal the genders right after the wedding."

"I can't wait! Oh and Mia honey, you have such a nice figure! I think women would have a problem if whales looked like you," Elle nudged Mia's elbow to trying to get her to laugh at the joke.

"I don't get it," Mia giggled at the attempted joke.

"If whales looked like you then men would.... oh never mind! Bad jokes get worse when you have to explain em." Elle huffed and flipped through a wedding magazine.

"You know I don't want or need anything fancy, heck I told the guys I would be fine if we eloped." Mia crunches away on her carrots.

"We said money ain't an issue," Eli said coming to check on his pregnant angel.
Mia just stuck her tongue out and went back to her carrots.

"What style of dress do you want?" Elle asked looking over the new styles. "They don't make dresses like they did back when I got married."

"I don't want anything that makes me look a beached whale." Mia said peeking at the dresses Elle was looking over.

"Here we go again with the whales!" Elle laughed shaking her head.

"Mia if whales looked like you I would have a problem." Eli said wiggling his eyebrows.
Elle burst out laughing.

"What? I don't get it?" Mia looked between the two. "But I see you and Momma have the same humor."

"Anyways what about flowers do you know what flowers you want?" Elle asked jotting down a couple notes on a small note pad she brought over.

"Ummmm.... I really like dahlias." Mia softly answered.

"Interesting.....," Eli thought out loud.

"Let me measure you sweetheart," Elle said standing up. Mia complied, Elle wrote down her measurements.

"It will be tricky because of your growing belly but I'm sure to figure a way to make something that will fit." Elle assured.

"Um, who all will be here for the wedding?" Mia asked.

"It will only be close family and friends." Eli answered.

Mia smile and nodded, "good I was hoping it would be private. I think a wedding should be personal instead of inviting tons of people you haven't even spoke to since high school or college. I think that's ridiculous. Oh and don't get me started on people who invite their ex's!" Mia began to babble.

Eli and Elle just looked at each other and laughed. Mia didn't even notice Elle got up and was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

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