A Haunting Past

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"A broken heart,
A dark past,
A fake smile,
And I still behave like
Everything is fine.

-Broken Quote's 143

Today, Mia woke up feeling like a completely different person. Dean was still holding her tight. Mia took a moment to study his features while he was still sleeping. Dean scared her when she first met him. He had punched the wall and left in a huff. Mia was worried he had a hot temper but she soon learned when it came to her Dean was a romantic. Dean's chiseled jaw covered by a five o'clock shadow. Mia liked how it felt against her face. His thin lips and straight nose. The man screamed masculine. Hell all the guys were hot and could make Mia wetter then a fish in water.

Mia blushed as she thought about her night with Dean. He wasn't like the other brothers, he took his time and was ever so gentle. Not saying Mia didn't want or appreciate the other guys taking her roughly, she just admired the differences.

"You gonna stare at me all morning kitten," Dean spoke still not opening his eyes. Mia squealed and jumped from embarrassment of being caught, she fell out of the bed landing hard on the floor.
"Ow," Mia cried out.
"Why you go and do that not kitten?" Dean laughed at her goofiness.
"I didn't mean.... ugh never mind. I'm going to go shower and start breakfast." Mia pouted.
As Mia got up to leave, Dean grabbed her arm and pulled her on top of him.
"You're so, so beautiful Mia," Dean whispered just before gently kissing Mia.
"Go get ready kitten, I will meet you in the kitchen." Dean said in his deep masculine voice still laced with a bit of drowsiness. Mia smiled and hopped up rushing towards her room to get ready.

Mia was shocked when she found she was the last to the get ready. All eight men were in the kitchen cooking, cleaning and..... Mia wasn't sure what Adam and Alex were doing but she wasn't going to ask why they were slapping each other with baloney. "I see y'all beat me here." Mia said with a smirk.
All eight guys stopped to look at Mia, Adam dropped his slice of baloney and Alex slapped his on to Adam's forehead so hard it stuck. Mia giggled at their silly antics. 'No one would expect those two pranksters to be such amazing lovers.' Mia smiled at them think about last night.

Mia's eyes traveled over to Connor, Chase and Cole. Mia noticed something was a little off, she didn't want to let her imagination get the best of her but she felt like it might be doubt or maybe regret. Did they regret sleeping with her? Mia shook her head, the only way to easy her mind is to ask them.
"Is everyone.... I mean everything, okay?" Mia asked not taking her eyes from Connor.
"Yeah, everything is fine angel. We were just discussing Connor, Cole and Chase running into town for a couple things that's all." Eli answered and the rest nodded in agreement.
"I hope you slept well last night angel," Eli said while he moseys over to her, "today will be just you and me."
Eli grabs Mia by the back of her neck pulling her into a deep passionate kiss. Making Mia forget all about her suspicions.

After breakfast everyone left. Mia was sad to see everyone leave but happy she would get alone time with Eli. Now she just needed to find him. Mia began to slowly search the house for her 'tall glass of water.'  He wasn't in his room, kitchen or living room. Mia began to just open any door she came across to find him. Mia didn't even realize how large this house really was, it was a flat ranch style home but it was large. 'Of course this place is huge! Eight freaking men live here!' Mia was just about to give up when she noticed one door she hasn't opened. 'Maybe it's a basement or a garage but it doesn't hurt to check.'

Mia opens the door to find what must be an office, a couple file cabinets line one wall and a large desk sits in the middle of the room. Behind that large desk is a large office chair and in that chair sits Eli on the phone. Eli glances up at Mia and gives her a wink. Mia enters the office shuts the door. She glides over to Eli and climbs onto his lap.
"Yes momma, don't worry about her..... okay momma. Yep, I love you too." Eli says before getting off the phone.
"That was your mom?" Mia asked letting her fingers slowly climb up Eli's chest.
"Yeah, she invited us over for dinner this Saturday." Eli informed her.
Mia suddenly felt a lump in her throat. What would their mom say about her dating all eight of her sons?
"Ummm Eli, I'm not sure about that. What if she doesn't approve of our relationship." Mia confessed.
"Hahaha, you are afraid she won't approve? Well angel you have nothing to worry about. She has a somewhat similar relationship." Eli told her.
Mia was confused, in what way could she have a similar relationship? Was she romantic with her eight sons? Surely not! Sensing her confuse Eli tried to clear it up.
"Angel, I have four dads. As in my mom is married to four men." Eli explained.
Mia's eyes went wide and then softened. Maybe their mom could give her some insight on what to expect.
"Well then I'm honored to meet her," Mia smiled and then her eyes darkened when she remembered why she originally looked for Eli.
"Eli," Mia softly cried out. "I need you."
Eli took her right there on the desk.

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