Mary, Mary

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Family is supposed to be our safe haven.
Very often, it's the place we find
The deepest heartache.
-Iyanla Vanzant

"Mary! Mary, come here!" Randy Sanders called out for his daughter. A few seconds later she poked her head around the doorway.
"Yes, Father?" Mary quietly spoke.
"I need you to pack your things," he said not looking up from the papers scattered across his desk.
"For what?" She asked, wishing she could stuff the words back where they came from. Mary knew to never question her father.

Mr. Sanders slowly raised an eyebrow looking over his only daughter. 'Such a stubborn little bitch, just like her mother' he thought to himself.
"You are getting married to a business partner of mine," he announced. "He will be here in an hour to collect you and your things." "Yes Father," Mary accepted.

What could be worse than what she already endured on a daily basis?  Her father was a cruel man. He would beat her for the smallest things.  Such as speaking out of turn, or having a "smart mouth" as he called it.  Sometimes, he didn't even need a reason, Jack Daniels was enough. Mary was never allowed to leave the house, she was home schooled. The only friends she had were the residence's staff, maids and cooks that worked for her father.

Mary rushed up the stairs to start sorting out what she wanted to bring.  'I can finally leave!' She shrieked in her head letting a little squeal escape her lips.  She was terrified her father wouldn't let her go if he saw her excitement. 'I hope he is handsome, but most of all kind' Mary began to fantasize about her unknown fiancé.

After packing her clothes, jewelry and a couple family photos Mary was ready to go. Walking out of her room she didn't even bother giving it a second look. Mary thought of her room as a cell and the house as prison, she was finally being released from it.

"Mary is very obedient," Mr. Sanders boasted. "I trained her myself" Mary heard her father talking to someone, was it her fiancé?  "Father, I am all packed," Mary stood in the doorway to his office.
"Ahhh, speak of the devil!  Mary, this is your Fiancé, Vince McGregor," her father said while pointing to a chair turned away from Mary.

Vince stood up slowly.  He was tall with a slender build and had brown hair that was combed back.  His eyes were what really drew Mary's attention.  They were piercing brown eyes and seemed as if they could see right through her. He approached Mary with a warm gentle smile.

Vince took Mary's hand and kissed it.
"Pleased to meet you, Mary."  He said in a deep smooth voice.  "The pleasure is all mine Mr. McGregor," Mary said as a blush began to cover her cheeks.  "Please call me Vince, after all, we will be husband and wife soon," Vince stated.
Her father chimed in, " Mary, the wedding is in one month." Mr. Sanders gave Mary a look she knew all too well.  He was trying to remind her to behave, lest she be taught a lesson.

"If you are ready we should be on our way then," Vince chimed in stealing Mary's attention back. She nodded her head. Vince picked up her bags and began to leave with Mary close behind him.

Once her bags were in the car Vince told her to hold on so he could open the door for her. 'He is such a gentleman! Yes! YES! YESSSSS!!!!' Mary screamed in her head. She was thinking how lucky she had become. No more beatings from Father, Vince was too nice for that...or was he?

3 weeks later.......

Since Mary moved in with Vince, she had been busy planning the wedding. Vince told her whatever she wanted she could have, he would give his opinion here and there but he was usually busy with work.

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