A Lucky Charm

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"Love is not about
How many days,
Months, or years
You've been together.
Love is about
How much you love
Each other
Every Day!!!"

The rest of the night flew by at the parent's house. Connor told his mom that he scared Mia and she fell into the pond. Elle took Mia to look for something dry she could wear until she got home. Elle took Mia to a small bedroom that was used as a storage room. Elle dug through some boxes, Mia couldn't help but look at some photos hanging on the wall. The guys looked so happy growing up, Eli, Dean and Dave each hold up a fish they caught. In another picture Adam and Alex were smiling, both of them missing their two front teeth. Mia couldn't help but giggle when she seen three bald babies Connor, Chase and Cole.

"They were the baldest little babies, I wasn't sure they would ever grow hair." Elle said watching Mia look over the photos.
"They must of been a handful," Mia stated.
"Well I got four husbands to help me out, it wasn't so bad." Elle admitted. "You know I was very skeptical when I found out all four of my husbands wanted to court me. I found it strange at first one woman between four men. It sure sounded strange. But here I am and it's been amazing 36 years married and they still love me the same."
Mia admired Elle as she recalled her life.
"When my sons said they wanted a relationship like me and their daddy's have, well I didn't know if it was possible. Out of no where I hear from Walter that he found someone for my boys, well I still wasn't completely sure. Now here you are and you truly do belong with them. I see how they look at you and when someone mentions you they are all ears. Should of know Walter would find you, he is the one to introduce me to my husbands. That man could be the world's greatest match-maker." Elle shook her head. "Anyways Mia, if you need help with anything let me know. I know y'all aren't married yet but I consider you my daughter already."
Mia began to tear up, "oh Mrs. Wilson, I mean momma, thank you so much! That means the world to me to hear that."
Mia went to hug Elle but Elle stopped her.
"First you should get out of that wet dress, then we can hug it out," Elle said handing Mia a clean dress.
"Thank you," Mia took the dress and went to change.

It was dark blue boho dress with little pink butterflies on it, the dress buttoned up in the front and had a thin belt that Mia tied in the back. It fit perfectly.

Mia left the bathroom where she had changed. Everyone was gathered in the living room. Mia stepped into the room and the eight boys stopped talking and stared at her. The dads looked a little puzzled until they turned around and seen Mia, they just shook their heads and patted their sons on the back as they walked out the front door. Mia wasn't sure why they were just staring at her, tongue tied.

Elle came in from the kitchen and looked at her boys then looked over at Mia.
"Oh it looks go beautiful on you!" Elle told her walking up to give Mia a hug.
Mia whispered in her ear, "are they okay?"
"Oh just don't mind them sweetie," Elle said giving Mia a wink.
Mia felt so confused.
"Mia sweetheart, I think you should keep this dress." Elle said looking it over.
"Oh no! I can return it tomorrow really." Mia started.
"No, sweetie. It's made for a younger woman to wear. It's no longer my style. Besides look at how the boys are gawking." Elle pointed and made Mia giggle.
"Well if you insist, thank you again. Also think you so much for dinner. Next time let me cook for you." Mia gave her another hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I guess I will wait for y'all outside," Mia said gliding past her men.
"Oh lord, you boys are something else!" Elle said almost scolding.
"Momma, wasn't that the dress?" Eli asked.
"It sure was, now don't make her wait," Elle quickly hugged her boys as the files out the front door.
"It was a pleasure meeting the four of you," Mia said waving bye at the dads.

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