Black Swan

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After hearing those words come out of Henry's mouth, you start to feel rage take over your body. You quickly run up the stairs into your shared bedroom and grab the closest thing near you. Your palms were sweaty as they gripped the wooden dresser. 

You look to your left and see silver scissors laying on the dresser. You felt as if it was taunting you. Just kill him. That asshole deserves it. It whispered seductively. You slowly walk over and touch them. The slight coolness brings comfort to your heated body. You think about all the pain that man and many others have caused you in your life, and how you just took it like a good girl. You never fought back or stood up for yourself. You grab the scissors and look at yourself in the mirror. But instead of killing Henry, you began to cut your hair.

Tears slid down your face as you did it. This simple act of control was all you needed to suffice your longing to end Henry's life. Lucky for him that your mind was too occupied with this activity to hear the girls he was talking to at Pogos were now in your living room. Your night was filled with cutting while his was filled with orgies. And each time he touched those women, he thought of it as a punishment for your behavior tonight. You and Henry didn't talk or see each other for the rest of the week.

Monday morning you exited the guest bedroom and admired your hair, for the hundredth that week, in the mirror. It tickled the tip of your shoulders and complimented your face shape. You looked great and you felt great.  You ran your fingers through it over and over again. And chuckled softly to yourself. Suddenly, Henry came bursting through the door. He looked you up and down and noticed you were still in your pink satin nightgown.

"What the hell are you still doing in your pajamas? The Waynes are here! You need to be downstairs in five minutes!" His face scrunched up as he saw you were still running fingers through your hair, completely ignoring him. He quickly ran into the bathroom and grabbed you by your sides.

"Are you listening to me? Huh?! Get your ass in your clothes now!" He screamed in your face.

"Get off of me! I'll be down in a damn minute." You pushed him off of you and out of the bathroom. "And don't you ever put your hands on me again!" You slammed the door in his face.

After a minute you regain your composure, smiled, and walked around your closet trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. Your eyes meet with a little black dress and some black pumps. You giggled eagerly while putting it on and topping it with red lipstick. It wasn't necessary but you put on some sunglasses as well. You admired yourself in the mirror and you could barely recognize who was looking back.

When you were ready you walked downstairs to see your guests. All eyes were on you as you strutted downstairs, even your parents looked surprised. The small black dress and lipstick contrasted with your normal bright bubbly style. Now you were fierce. You sat down at the table silently, not even apologizing for being 30 minutes late.

"Dear, you cut your hair. It looks beautiful." Your mother said with shock. You weren't sure if she was shocked that you cut it or that you pulled it off.

"Thanks." Was all you said as the room filled with different kinds of tension. Frustrated tension coming from your father and Martha Wayne and sexual tension coming from Henry and Thomas Wayne. But you stayed quiet and poised. The men soon shifted their focus back to their conversation.

"This man came to our house today demanding to speak with me. He claimed I was his father." Thomas Wayne chuckled to your father.

"He must be as crazy as his mother. Wasn't she the one sending you all those letters?" Your father asked.

"Yes, I hate to say it but relief came over me when I heard that Penny Fleck died today." You straightened up at your seat, earning a sharp gaze from Henry. Fleck? Oh my God, Penny Fleck must be Arthur's mom. You thought to yourself. "At least I won't have to deal with them anymore." Thomas Wayne did his best to suppress the laugh but it didn't work. Martha quickly placed her hand on his arm and muttered "Thomas" in a warning look.

You felt a wave of guilt flood over your body. You and Arthur haven't spoken since Tuesday night. You promised him that you would see him soon but forgot about him for 6 whole days.

"Shit." You said under your breath as you abruptly left the table to go into the kitchen. You caught everyone's attention while you stormed off.  In the kitchen, you grabbed a glass and began to pour a lot of wine. Tears threatened to escape from your eyes as you thought about how alone Arthur must be. But a noise from behind you shook you out of your thoughts. You saw from the corner of your eye that Martha followed you in the kitchen. And you could tell by the disgusted look on her face that she had something to say.

"You know, I wasn't surprised to see you come downstairs dressed like a whore, but don't ever look like this in front of my husband again." You felt your skin heat up and you gripped your glass tightly. You didn't have the patience to deal with this woman right now.

"And you know it would be a shame for the public to see you dressed like such a little whore. Your father must be so disappointed." That was the last straw. You slammed the glass on the counter, grabbed a broken piece, and turned to face her.

"And it would be a shame for your son to lose his mother! You wanna keep trying me?!" Martha jumped back and her face contorted in pure fear. Everyone ran into the kitchen to see what was going on.

"What the fuck?" Henry said looking at the scene. Your mother rushed to clean the broken glass and spilled wine behind you. Martha began holding her chest and hyperventilating. While they rushed to help her, you grabbed another glass out of the counter and chuckled to yourself. The old hag harassed you for years, but now karma wants to do its damn job? Whatever.

"We need to get you to the hospital, you're probably having a heart attack." Your father and Thomas grabbed her on each side and walked her to the car. But before they left the house Martha screamed "She's crazy! She lost her mind!" And maybe you have, but you didn't care. You liked this side of you, the dark side, the side that didn't give a shit anymore. In your heart, you felt a flame light up, a flame that was always there. Your mother was the last to leave with Martha Wanye but she watched as you spiritually transformed into a different person. She recalled a memory of reading the Swan Lake bedtime story as a little girl.  Swan Lake, is the story of a girl who gets turned into a swan but she needs love to break the spell. In the form of a prince, she almost gets her wish, until the Black Swan, her evil twin, seduces and steals the prince away from her.  The White Swan kills herself because of her loss of the prince and finds freedom in death. She remembered how she only liked the white swan's side of the story, she hated the Black Swan for causing so much pain. Now, as she looks at you, she understands why the Black Swan became evil.

"What did you do to that poor woman? She could die because of you." Henry sat on the arm of the couch trying to wrap his head around your new behavior. Why is she like this now? What is wrong with her? He thought to himself as he watched you grab your purse and jacket. He didn't recognize the woman standing before him.

"So what? She got what she deserves." You turned to open the front door handle with a smirk on your face. You open the door and suddenly remember something had to tell Henry. Something you've been waiting to tell him for a long time now. You over to him, lower to his eye level, and take your sunglasses off.

"Henry?" You said in the softest voice.

"Yeah?" He expected you to apologize for everything that happened today, starting with you slamming the door in his face. He wanted you to go back to the obedient wife that you used to be.

"I want a fucking divorce." You walked back towards the door and put your sunglasses back on. His heartbeat quickened and he jumped off the arm of the couch. Without you, his life would be over. The money from your family would be cut off and he would have nothing, the girls, the drugs, the parties, nothing.

"Y-you can't divorce me! Your father needs us to look like the perfect couple, you'll ruin his image! You'll ruin your entire family reputation!" He tried to bring you back into the house but it was too late. There was nothing left in you to care anymore.

"Goodbye, Henry." You said in a sing song voice. You moved into that house a frigid girl, but you came out a strong woman.

A/N: Hooray, our favorite boy won an Oscar. Round of applause to Joaquin Phoneix and his amazing speech❤️

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