Chapter 1

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Even though it has been 3 years, the pain of losing my father had never left. Like a burn that has yet to heal, the memory of him makes my heart ache.

It all started when my mom found out she was pregnant. Growing up, I was the oldest in a house full of sisters. This was supposed to be it, my parents were finally having a boy and they couldn't be happier.

While mom was pregnant, I made myself useful by looking after my younger sisters and helping her around the house. Her belly was bigger than a basketball at that point, she was going to pop any day.

When the time finally came, it was the middle of the afternoon and dad was still at work. My mom started having contractions and once her water broke, I knew I had to take control. Gathering everyone and putting them into the car, I got into the driver's seat. I sped as fast as I could down the snow-covered dirt roads to our packs doctor's office.

I am a werewolf. Half-human half-wolf. But even with the courage this would normally entail, I felt frightened. I just wanted everything to go smoothly.

Hearing mom's labored breathing reminded me that I hadn't yet called my dad to tell him what was happening. By the time I told him, we had already arrived at the doctor's office.

Getting out, I hustled everyone into the building and found the nurse to help me with my mom. Luckily dad had arrived, running quickly into her well-lit hospital room.

After hours of literal blood, sweat, and tears, my brother Luke was born. At 10 pounds 2 ounces, he was the most adorable, chubby newborn I had ever seen. With light blonde tufts of hair, he looked like my mom and sisters.

After the initial hugs and tears, it was already early into the morning. Figuring mom wanted a fresh set of clothes and maybe a few other items for Luke, dad took off back to our house. He wanted to get back before mom was released.

No one knows exactly what happened from there, but on his way back, his truck hit a patch of ice. Trying to get control of his vehicle, he overcorrected and swerved into a ravine, toppling into a massive pine tree.

Our pack's first response team told us that even with his wolf's accelerated healing, the crash was so quick that he must have died on impact. With the amount of blood he lost and the shrapnel that was in him, its lucky his body was still in one piece.

I was in complete shock when I heard the news. We had gained one member of the family, only to lose another. My dad was my rock. He meant everything to me. Being 16 years old, he was what guided me through my training as a werewolf, my schoolwork, and friendships. He was always the one that listened. The one who understood my shyness and all of my weaknesses.

Losing him was especially hard on my mother. Being mates and sharing a life bond with him, it nearly killed her. Trying to manage a newborn while dealing with her husband's death, she fell deep into depression. I tried as best as I could to tend to my family's needs. Since dad was gone, I wanted to be the shoulder my family could lean on.

Our pack helped of course. We received dinner every night, members looked after my sisters, and my dad was given the funeral he deserved. Those 3 years were the hardest I had ever gone through. I'm just so thankful that we had one last moment together as a family before he passed away.


Wiping my tears away, I push the memories aside, letting myself get back to the task at hand; scrubbing the toilet.

Realizing I've just now touched my face after cleaning the filthy porcelain throne, I quickly stand on my feet and shuffle towards the sink. I wash my hands with soap, then splash cold water onto my face, hoping it will also get rid of the swelling around my eyes. Reaching into my pants pocket, I begin looking for my phone, remembering that I left it downstairs in the kitchen.

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