The morning flew fast, so Rafaela got ready to leave. Like usual, she peeked on the camera before she got out. The way was free, or at least, it seemed so. She got in her car and started the engine, turned the radio on and began to drive on the lane that led to the gate. Her heart would always race while she waited for the gate to open, she'd also lock the doors that moment. Kelly, at least, wouldn't be able to get in the car like the other time. She'd always curse the police for the stupid rules. If nothing happened for a couple of time, they'd have to leave assuming the case was clear.

When the gate opened, she crossed it outside and then waited until it was closed. That was the worst part, because outside they were exposed. Her hands would sweat there every time. She didn't want to show it, but she was truly afraid, especially then when she was at the final stage of her pregnancy. Finally the gate closed, and she stepped on the gas, heading to the highway that would take her to Sausalito where James was recording. The drive was calm and traffic free, which pleased her since she'd get really stressed out in the traffic. Rafaela parked the car in the parking lot and walked inside.

First she greeted the security at the door. He already knew her and then she'd walked free and knowingly through the corridors of that studio. She opened the door really gently not to disturb and two heads turned to her. Lars's and James's, they were there alone.

"Hey!" James said cheerfully. He went to her to kiss her.

"How's the pregnant woman?" Lars asked kissing her cheek.

"Having a lot of trouble to cope with this last month. This belly is so heavy now." She told him.

"How's the girl?" He asked her.

"Doing great. Moves a lot, guess she's gonna be skittish and give us a lot of trouble." Rafaela laughed and James did too.

"We're gonna have lunch." James said to Lars and he nodded. Rafaela kissed him and they left.

He took her to a restaurant near the beach as she loved. The sun was shining as the sky was bright blue, not even a trace of a cloud in the sky. They had their meal on the balcony watching some people already catching the rays of light at the beach, some of them already bathing.

"I'm glad she's being born, at least when it's the peak of the summer I won't have this weight to cope with." She said. "It's really heavy weight now."

"And we can profit a bit of our pool, leaving her in a shadow." He said.

"Yeah... because now I can barely move." They both laughed. He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm.

"You look absolutely beautiful babe. You are a very sexy pregnant woman, I love to go around and show your belly, just like it was with Liam." He told her with shining eyes.

"That's so lovely." She smiled at him.

"It's the pure truth." He affirmed.

"How's the recording going?"

"You know how Lars and I are working... we can't agree for the same thing not even once..." James began to laugh.

"James... you are too bossy. I always tell you that." She said.

"He is too!" He defended himself.

"But you should also listen to his ideas!" She insisted.

"I do!" He defended himself again and Rafaela smiled.

"You do?" She asked doubtfully. "I know you well..."

He looked away unable to face her. "Sometimes..." He mumbled.

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