*7* A bush hides more secret than that locked door

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After the big hug that Izuku was tackled in, they pulled out. Iida has left once the sun has set, while Ochan and Izuku walked around the nearest park they could find.

"Oh yeah, Izuku, Where do you stay at?" Ochan asked after putting her finger on her chin.

Izuku doesn't answer. Izuku don't want to answer. But this is Ochan. He can trust her...right?

He took a deep breath and exhales it. "...Nowhere..." Ochan stops, foot almost touching the ground, legs outstretched exaggeratedly before she spins her head towards Izuku's eyes and unintentionally yelled " Wait...WHAT?!" startling a few people in the park.

Her whole body is turned to Izuku now, with her hands clenched into a fist, her expression is a mix of shock,anger and concern. "Okay, that's it, you're coming to mine's" She said as she pulled Izuku out of the park and eventually, in an apartment complex. "You know we don't have to do this,you've done enou-"

The greenette was cut off by a padded finger placing on his lips. He looks over to the brunette, who is slightly shorter than him ( 2cm apart). She gave him a soft smile before dragging Izuku into the house.

Once they're in, Ochan drags Izuku to small couch and place him there. The couch was small and hard, abit dirty, the colors are a saturated lime green and dark mossy green as stripes. Infront of it is a small old TV, still having antennas and is about the size of an old-school computer. The TV is placed ontop of a small circular wooden table. It isn't much but to Izuku, who have been living on the streets for a while, it is the most comfortable thing he could possibly sit on.

Ochan right now is in the kitchen, doing who knows what. Izuku just kinda...sits there, looking around. The walls are cream colored and the floor is dark oak wooden flooring with plain carpets over it.

When Ochan finally came back, she had two instant noodles in her hands (one pinkie up). She handed me the noodles and sits on the couch. "Sorry, I live on my own. I don't have much with me. Also, another sorry for dragging you here, I was worried. Plus, some company would be nice." She said apologetically.

"It's okay and yeah, some company would be nice." The greenette said while waving his hands as a universal sign of 'It's okay'.

Ochan hummed in reply and turned on the old TV. They ate their noodles as they watched whatever is on, occasionally make some comments about it.


It went like that for who knows how long until Ochaco felt weight on her shoulders. She looks over and see the greenette's head is ontop of her shoulders.

She feels lips curved into a small, sad smile. Ochaco lays the greenette down on the couch and went to close the lights and to bring two blankets.

She puts the blanket over Izuku and plops down on the floor, leaning on the couch. She wraps herself in her blanket and turns her body to the direction of Izuku. She grabs his hand and bit her lips. It's cold. Now that Ochaco thinks about it, his hands has always been cold whenever she grabs it, it's not his hands either.

His face is also cold, she feels it when she pushed her finger to his lip earlier and when she boops him yesterday.

'What happened?' the brunette asked herself before drifting to sleep.

A Warm Light   [ Vigilante!Deku AU ]Where stories live. Discover now