*3* Food first, secrets later

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Can I really truly heal?


Izuku's gaze lifted up towards the two pairs of legs' face, he felt like he recognized that voice before-

"I never got the chance to say this back at the exam so, thank you! For saving me back there!" There, standing in front of him is the same brunette that he had pulled out of a rubble back in the exam.

It felt so long but it has only been two weeks.

"And I also wanted to apologize for what I said back there!" And there is that navy haired boy that complained about Izuku's muttering habit he had yet to drop. The navy haired boy was also doing these weird hand chopping movements.

Izuku can only looked at them in a gape expression, like they said it in a different language.

"Oh yeah!" The brunette exclaimed as she clapped her two hands together in realization. "Me and Tenya was gonna go get dinner! Come along! I insist!" Her padded fingers changed position from ontop of his hand to under his palm, with the pinkie up, she pulls it, gesturing the boy to get up or if he even can.

Realizing this, the brunette asked, "Hey, are okay? Can you stand?" 

Yes, Izuku indeed can stand, but should he trust them in the first place?

Like- they are the students of the one and only Yuuei. Why would they help him?

Because they're heroes

Needless to say that Izuku was caught off guard by his own subconscious saying that in the back of his mind.

After a moment of contemplation, Izuku pushes himself up, wobbling as he did so, almost falling over the two hero-in-training.

The brunette smiled and pulled Izuku (gently) towards the exit, the navy haired boy trailing behind them.


They ended up in some noodle restaurant. Izuku insisted that he didn't need anything but got lectured by Iida on having a proper meal.

While on the walk there, the two of them introduced themselves to Izuku.

While looking at the menu, Izuku noticed something that he had completely forgotten about, something from home. Katsudon.

Ochaco noticed this and ordered it for him, even with his many objections.

Izuku thought he would be left behind like always but was genuinely suprised when the two tried including him in their conversation.

Iida seemed tempted to ask Izuku something but he keeps it to himself. Eventually, Izuku's shoulders relaxed a bit, but still didn't utter a single word.


They split ways after that, or so Izuku thought.

Ochaco and Tenya was curious. Sue them.

When Izuku popped out of the alleyway in a new outfit, the two followed after the green haired boy.

The outfit consist of a (very) dark green hoodie that had two stuffed ear thingies that seemed to be sewed on, he still had the same red hightops he wore before and black tights and is that knee and elbow pads...? That was the only thing they can see from behind but Ochaco swears when it was in view, she saw something mint colored covering everything on his face from nose and below.

They quietly followed the boy throughout the night, finding out something that they probably shouldn't know...

...that the green haired boy is a vigilante. Aside from appearance, thats the most they knew. They didn't even know his name fore god's sake.

Ochaco and Tenya didn't know what to do if they're being honest, it's not like there was a class about 'what do when you find a vigilante that just so happens to be your age and had saved you once.'


After the night ended, it was well over midnight at this point, is when Ochaco alone, who is tailing a certain mop of green hair, finally stopped at the same alleyway. Tenya had left three hours earlier cause his family was worried.

Then, the green haired boy stopped and turned his head towards the group with his big eyes narrowed as the lifeless green orbs stared into their souls.

In an instant, the once scared puppy had become an intimidating wolf. Ochaco andTenya almost jumped out  of their skins.

"What are you going to do now?" The voice sound strained, as if it hadn't been used in a while. The weird thing is, it isn't muffled by what seemed like a mint-colored bandana covering his nose and to below his chin.

"I-I'm a vigilante, you're a hero, the right thing to do right now is to report me to the police." Yeah, he was right, they both knew that yet...it felt so wrong. His eyes almost looked disappointed.

But for some reason, Ochaco stepped forward, and took note on how his eyes slightly widens at every step.

Ochaco doesn't know why she did but she took his hand and smiled widely, "I'm not a hero YET! But once I am, I will to capture you one day! Let's use the time left and have fun, okay?"

The words just came out, she didnt think of it, she didn't choose to but she doesn't regret it either, she just made a playful vow, something that kids their age would probably do.

Ochaco knew it would be the for the best that she or Tenya to stay by the green haired boy's side.

She was always good at reading people.






"T-that's my n-name, you and I-Iida should-can call me that."

Ochaco only beams brighter


(A/N: Like i said in my announcement, this is all a dream that kept me awake, I really want to start it and I waited for the best opportunity to this and then I said "Screw it! Just do it!" so here we are, I won't really focus on the vigilante stuff till USJ, for now, lets enjoy the fluff and angst :D !

and also, his outfit

and also, his outfit

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A Warm Light   [ Vigilante!Deku AU ]Where stories live. Discover now