*5* I will put you back together

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I see a shell of what you used to be.... I wished you would come back....


Occhan: We need to talk.


Izuku is confused, worried and scared. What does that mean? Is she angry? Will she leave? Izuku is scared.

                                                                          You: Where do we meetup?

Oh god, did he said the right thing??

Yes, Izuku already gave them nicknames, he won't actually call them that until he's 100% sure they're trust worthy.

Occhan: the usual. rn.

Why are there full stops? She rarely uses them... unless....

                                                                                                         You: okay

Izuku ran back to the alleyway, almost tripping as he did so. Izuku is fast, not as fast as Tenya, but faster than half of Ochaco's classmates.

In a minute, Izuku is there. There he saw Ochaco standing, waiting for him, her face is scrunched up and serious, cold. Not the usual happy, cheerful and warm she usually wears. Izuku is more scared.

He gulped down his throat and walked over to the brunette. She glanced at the greenette and looked down to the ground, her hands curled up into a fist as the greenette stiffen at the said movement.

"Deku tell me..." She said in an angry, shacky voice. She continued with the same tone "...what's wrong? What is going on?" The brunette looked up straight at the boy in sight. Her eyes sparkled as she hold back tears.

"Please tell me... I want to help..." 

Help? Since when somebody helped Izuku? Since when Izuku got helped? The answer is.. never. He never got help. Even he, himself, refused any help given to him, not there is much. Izuku bottles everything up. There are so many bottles lying on the floor, scattered, threatening that it will explode any second. He couldn't count how many there are at this point.

Do not show fear.

That's what he keeps telling himself. He lets all the emotions swirled inside him, getting out of control, desperate to get out, Izuku pushes them back. Nobody will care anyways.

But now...

....Somebody wanted to.....help...?


"Please, I want to be a hero. What hero would I be if I let you getting hurt, leave you there alone?" Ochaco is smart, not as academically, but as in, she can easily read people and the situation. It's no support that Ochaco realized that Izuku was hurting.

"....I would be no hero...! So.. please..., let me help you, let us help you, let us save you. From crumbling apart any further..." She put her hands on Izuku's shoulder and pulled him in for a hug, arms wrapping around the brokem boy.

The boy looked fazed. Izuku is confused. A hug...

Izuku had forgotten what it feels like....

It's warm....

It's comforting....

It numbed the pain....

All of it...

A tear rolled down Izuku's face. It was the first time in forever since Izuku shed a tear, or any at all. Izuku distracted himself, he wears a mask, he never shows any weakness to the predators.

Izuku gribbed Ochaco's shirt, hard,like it was the only thing keeping him alive. The warmth and comfort is something that Izuku long craved for. Maybe he was desperate and they're lying. 

But Izuku didn't care. He didn't want to listen. Even if it hurts him. More tears strolled down his cheek as he buried himself onto Ochac-Occhan's shoulder.

Those emotions that Izuku tried so hard, for so long, pushing down, it finally freed themselves. It was overwhelming, to have so many emotions coming out of you in the form of tears.

Izuku gribbed harder, he didn't want to let go, ever. The warmth was something that he was missing for what felt like so long. There was finally light in his life, one that was worth living for. It was so warm after being in the cold darkness for so long.

It felt nice to have somebody that cared. Somebody that wants to help. He was drowning for so long and finally, finally, somebody reached out for him.

The only thing left for Izuku to do now is.... to grabbed back the hand with soft, padded fingers, to let him breath in the fresh air once more instead of suffocating in water, desperately trying to breathe, only for it to be clogged by water....again....

Izuku was silently sobbing onto Occhan's shoulder, slight wheezing here and there. She had brought him fresh air. Warmth. Friendship. And...love.

All of the things he was missing, waiting, craved, desperate, for. He was slowly crumbling down, rotting away, eats himself alive.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry....I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry...." He said as his gripped gotten tighter, his knuckles are white now.

Izuku was scared to open up, still, but he trusts her now. Tenya too.

"Don't worry....

I'll bring you the warm light you deserved."

A Warm Light   [ Vigilante!Deku AU ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin