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ItzzJanaeT       Much Needed💆🏽‍♀️

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ItzzJanaeT       Much Needed💆🏽‍♀️


I posted it but blocked the comments. I didn't have time for negative comments and shit to be honest.

"I'm glad to see you smiling again." Nique said.

"So am I." Ky chimed in.

"Yepp. I'll be even happier when he gets back home." I shrugged.

"We all will—"

"Janae? Hey. I knew it was you." Kingston said. He literally came out of nowhere.

"Uh...Hey." I said. He still had a bruise on his eye.

"How you been?" He asked, smiling.

"Um, good so far." I fake smiled. Ky and Nique was looking at him like "Mhmm."

"Well I'll see you around. Good seeing you."

"You too." He walked off. Nique leaned in.

"You would expect him to hate you. Your boyfriend whooped his ass."

"Yeahh...He a lil weird." Ky sipped her drink.

"Yeah I know." I shrugged.

"Anyways." She flagged down the waitress. "More drinks please." I laughed.

2 hours later.

"I'm the sober one. Let me drive." I took the keys out Nique's hand.

"Good idea."

We all got in the car.

It was like every time we went out, I was left to clean up the mess or babysit. I was literally the mom of the group.

tap tap.

My heart almost jumped out my rib cage. Kingston was at the window. I rolled it down.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Uh. Y'all was drinking. I figured I could drive y'all home."

"No we are fine. Thanks anyway."

"Sure." He said and walked off.

I rolled the window back up and started to drive off.

"That nigga is weird." We all laughed.

When we got home we all went straight to our rooms. The boys still haven't gotten back yet. I kicked off my shoes and took off my dress. I didn't even bother taking off my make up. I face planted into the bed and pulled the cover over me.

I missed my bed.


"Wake up." He left kisses from my lips down to my neck.

"Stawpppp." I laughed. "I'm up."

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

He leaned down to kiss me but the door swung open. Chris was standing there. It had been a month since I saw him. He held up a gun and aimed it right at us. I froze. Scared to move or speak.

"You think you can get away from me that easily. I'm always watching you."

Shots went off. Blood went everywhere. I knew for certain I was shot. Kentrell fell on top of me. I screamed. Chris pushes Kentrell's dead body off of me and pulled me by my hair to the floor. He pointed the gun at my head.

"I love you."


I jumped up. Breathing hard. Sweating like I had ran a mile. I looked to my left and his side of the bed was still empty. I closed my eyes and prevented myself from crying. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and went to the bathroom. I took a shower, making sure to wipe off the makeup.

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. Like I haven't slept in days but I actually did. I cut the light off and went back into the room. I put on a black bra and panty set that Kentrell like. I slipped on a pair of tights and one of Kentrell's hoodies.
I walked out the room and went downstairs. Everybody was downstairs, talking quietly.

"What'd I miss?" I asked. They all jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Damn you scared me." Ky held her chest.

"Sorry." I sat on the couch and folded my arms.

"Well we finna go to the...The mall. We'll be back in a lil bit." Three stood up and started heading towards the door.

"Yeahh. See y'all lata." Kd and Jay got up and left out.

"Why they acting weird?" I asked Nique and Ky.

Nique shrugged. "Who knows. But go put on some shoes, we finna go get our nails done.

"Ight." I slipped on the slides I had by the door and pulled my hair up into a bun. I met Ky and Nique outside in the car and we headed towards the nail shop.

Kentrell DeSean Gaulden

"Damn. Fresh air." I laughed. I dapped Three n nem up.

"Preciate y'all boys mane." We walked down the steps.

"You know we gotchu nigga." Kd said.

"I can't believe det nigga. Tried to press charges for aggravated assault. He should've kept his hands off Janae thigh. I can't wait till I see his ass."

"Det shit fucked up fr. But you free now. So don't worry bout it." Kd shrugged.

"We finna hit up the mall right quick. Jay and Kd gone head back to the crib." Three said, opening the door. I got in the passenger seat. Jay and Kd went to the other car. Three got in and crunk up the car. I pulled out my phone.

"Aye, don't post nothing. Don't text nobody. Not even Janae."

"Why nigga?"

"Too surprise errbody"

I nodded and leaned back in the seat. It felt good to be back in the real world....Even though they just had me in a holding cell. I had to leave Miami asap tho. Supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning. I know when I tell Janae, she gone be pissed.

"Well let's jus' hurry up so I can surprise my baby mane."

He drove down the road and the whole time, all I could think about was her.


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