Chapter Sixteen

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"If you must kill me..... then I am ready." He says.

Umm.... what the fuck!?

On a dirt road outside of the hill with tunnels

Apparently, the elve king had a heart and let us go. He wasn't too happy when he found out that I secretly escaped from my binds, but he left me alone anyways. It's not like I'll see him again.

What's really bothering me is what Geralt said. He was ready to die, and that broke my heart.

Me and the witcher are riding our horses while Jaskier is walking on the dirt road away from the hideout, and the second we were freed, the singer started to yap away about his new lute and everything.

"This is where we part ways bard, for good." Geralt says.

I scrunch my face with confusion. What about me? Does that mean we can travel together now?

"I promised to change the public's tune about you. Atleast allow me to try." He strums his lute and moves his head to the right looking at me. "Want to join?" He said knowing that I sing as well.

I nod my head in reply and follow his lead.

The bard eventually parted ways with us leaving only me and Geralt together.

"So, where to now?" I stop my horse to look at him.

He stops Roach. "I travel alone, remember?"

I was hoping he would change his mind about that, and usually, I would leave him be. But after hearing him say he was ready to die, then I would feel more at ease coming with him.

"I'm worried about you that's all." I give him a serious look.

He raised his eyebrows amused that I would care for him. "Is it because of what I said to the king?"

He guessed right. Does he read minds too?

"Yes." I replied.

He gives me a small smile. "No need to worry about me, if I wanted to die, I would've been dead long ago."

He then starts to leave on Roach as I stay put on Cloud.

"It was nice seeing you again Arabella." And that was the last thing he said to me as we part ways from one another.... again. Except this time, I don't want him to leave.

I sigh and turn the other way galloping on Cloud.

I then realize that Geralt gave all of our earned coin to the elves to help them. Guess I'll have to search for a job to do because I'm low on currency at the moment.

Two weeks later Geralt's POV

I leave the Inn and walk up to Roach. He nickers smelling the sex on me.

"Don't judge me." I say to the animal.

After I fucked the woman, she told me of a monster In Temeria and a witcher that ran with the coin he was payed with.

I turn towards the Innkeeper. "I'll be back with payment in a few days. Anything happens to my horse..." I threaten.

The keeper chuckles. "You don't scare me."

He says that, but I can smell his lie and his fear.

I take a few steps closer to him. "Point me to Temeria."

He shakes a little and slowly points to his right.

Somewhere in Termeria

I find myself in an underground mine filled with workers conversing about killing the king.

I decide to step in."You cant kill the vukodlak.... so you decide to kill your king? Great plan."

The place fills with silence as everyone turns to look at me.

"Another fuckin witcher." A man speaks up amongst the group. "Your kind already swindled us once."

"I take payment after the job is done and for a third of the price. An apology... from my guild... to yours." Saying that had them thinking.

"And if you can't kill it?" The man asks.

"Then I die." I need to convince these people that witchers keep to their word. It's out of character for a witcher to leave without doing their job.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of armor clanging together. A good amount of soldiers enter the room.

A man comes out behind the small army and asks the people to leave.

They argue back and forth about their king "Foltest" and eventually leave the place while I stay put sitting on a barrel looking at the man with the army behind him.

I sigh. "Does Foltest have a plan?"

"See this one to our borders. Temeria's had their fill... of witchers." He says then leaves.

In the snowy forest at night

Right now I'm being escorted by four soldiers out of Temeria when all of a sudden they fall off their horses unconscious.

I can smell someone in the trees. My guess is a sorcerer.

I take out my sword ready to defend myself.

"You can put down your sword, I'm not here to hurt you." A women's voice spoke.

I turn around to see a hooded figure.

"Says the witch hiding in the woods." I say still pointing my sword at her.

Sorcerers are tricky these days. They are unpredictable, so I have to keep my guard up.

"Sorceress." She argues.

"Witch." I argue back.

She walks closer and pulls down her hood revealing her freckled face and curly dark brown hair. She's pretty, but not as beautiful as Arabel... ugh. I shouldn't be thinking about her right now.

"Triss Merigold. I serve King Foltest." She introduces herself.

"So he makes a show of kicking me out.... then sends his errand girl to slip me some coin so I kill his monster." I put my sword down and walk up to her slowly. "Not a very original plan for a king." I mock.

"It's my plan. My coin." She says walking closer to me. "And I don't want you to kill the beast. I want you to help me save it."

At the castle of Temeria

We travel back to the castle as I follow Triss to a room filled with potions and herbs. This must be where she works.

My thoughts about the room were pushed aside the second my eyes fall onto another.

"Hello Geralt." She greets me.

I look at her with slight surprise and relief. I didn't think I would be seeing her again this soon.

"Arabella. What are you doing here?"

Next Chapter: Monday Feb 10th

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