Chapter Twelve

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Above is what she is wearing right now ⬆️


As I make my way back into Blaviken, I make a checklist in my mind.

First, I'm going to get my stuff back. Second, I'm gonna get the hell out of Blaviken. And third, I'm gonna buy my own damn horse!

Three months later

"Encore!" Many people cheered for the singer. Except that singer isn't me this time.

I cheer along with the crowd for another performance from the band and the lead Hispanic singer.

For the past couple of months I've been traveling and killing creatures for coin. Word got around about a woman doing a witchers job. I have no title yet... or maybe I do, I just don't have an official one. I've heard 'woman witcher', 'beauty killer', 'witcher wannabe', and so on and so on.

Another thing I found out during my travels, is that many different languages here in this world are the same from my world. Like Spanish, English, and many European languages. Upper Posada, which is where I'm at right now, is an area many Spanish people live.

The lead singer turns towards her band to decide what to play next

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The lead singer turns towards her band to decide what to play next. Atleast, I thought that's what she's doing. She turns back around facing the people in the tavern and surprisingly walks towards me with a kind smile.

"You are the woman witcher yes?" She questions me with a deep accent behind her words.

How did she know? It's not like there are newspapers around here with my face on it. People only recognize my name, not my face.

"Yes?" I replied. I'm a little confused on why she is talking to me instead of singing another song again.

The place is silent with everyone here looking at us right now.

"I heard rumors of you being an entertainer. Would you mind if you performed with us?" She says with her hands clasped together in a hopeful manner.

"How are you sure that it's me?" I questioned before answering.

She turns away from me to point at one of the band members holding a tambourine in his hand.

"Cosimo informed me of who you are. He says that you saved him from a troll about a month ago."

I look at the man closely to see a big scar on the side of his head. I remember him! The troll was a dick to the village it was terrorizing. Cosimo was there at the wrong time in the wrong place, and I ended up saving him before he was eaten by the monster.

"Sure!" I answered.

It has been almost two weeks since I did any kind of performance due to my 'new job'. So I would say that I'm a little excited to be on stage.

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