CH. 41 Someone you might know

Começar do início

"What happened?" I said rushing to him.

"I can't figure it out, I won't be able to save her. I won't be able to save her." He said crying. I wrapped my arms around him and held it.

"Don't say that. We'll save them, we'll save them all. We'll find him." I said as I held him.

We need to.

*Flashback ends*

We were in the cabin now and I was looking at the floor, the area of the floor where I found Agent Bones crying.

I felt like someone was looking at me and I turned my attention to whoever it was and saw it was Agent Bones. He was staring at me with a sad look on his face.

"You know if I didn't know for a fact that there was no way you two were having an affair. I most certainly would have done a double-take about my answer just by seeing this." Kassie said.

Agent Bones rolled his eyes.

"Melanie and I didn't have that relationship, we came here because it was a place we both felt like it was safe and no one else knew about but us. It was a place where we could work together to figure out who the suspect is." Agent Bones said.

I looked around the cabin, hoping they would trigger any memories.

That board over there was luring me to it.

"This is where would meet, is that a board over there?" I asked, making my way to the board.

There's something about that board.

"Yes, we also made an evidence board. This is all we've gotten to so far, I'm sure you will be able to get information from our board and add it to yours. Same with us getting information from yours." Agent Bones said next to me, talking to Kassie.

I was looking at all the names on the board.

Saying the names in my head, trying to see if my body or mind would react to any.

Something wasn't right, I felt like. The suspect's name wasn't on the board.

"Why did you cross these people off," Kassie asking, pointing at 3 people names and pictures on the board she had, looking from her board to the board that Agent Bones and I did.

"Melanie and I surveillance these people, it took a huge toll on us, it's still taking a toll on us. Someone in the place or field I work in is the one behind all of this. It's disgusted and angered me that I am still am unable to figure out who the fucker is." Agent Bones said.

"You and Melanie worked on this board. It's very detailed, you guys were getting far with all of these things on the board." Kassie said.

I continue looking at the board, something was telling me that the person's name wasn't on the board.

Why can't I remember?

I need to remember.

I turned to find Kassie staring at me.

She was probably thinking the same thing I was.

"We can still figure this out. We can still do this, Melanie found out who he was just from all the information and things she's found out. We'll be able to also figure it out together." Tiara said, with a determined look on her face.

I looked at my sister, wanting to feel hope about it as well.

"So you guys eliminated these three?" Kassie asked.

"One of them is actually a good friend of mine, but of course I had to put him on the board, Better safe, then sorry. Sometimes you can be friends with someone and still not know who they truly are." Agent Bones.

"Why did Melanie trust you, and believe you weren't the suspect?" Kassie asked him.

I turned to look at Agent Bones.

He looked at me.

Something flash in my head, a memory of when he was crying.

His sister, that's why. He was crying about his sister at that time.

"My sister is Harper." Agent Bones said.

Tiara let out a small gasp, her eyes were wide.

"Harper is your sister? How come I didn't know this, did Melanie know this?" Tiara asked looking at me.

I knew she couldn't believe it.

How much was kept from her, the fact that this was another thing that was kept from her?

Agent Bones nodded his head.

Kassie and Derek were confused so Agent Bones cleared the air.

"Harper is my sister who was also taken by the guy who abducted Melanie and Tiara." Agent Bones said with so many emotions to his voice.

That's why we were working together.

That's why I was helping him figure everything out.

Not only to bring the monster down.

Not only to save the others but to also save his sister.

A sister who was taken from him, a sister he couldn't protect as an agent.

A sister who was taken from him by someone who is also part of the FBI.

The fact that only one person in this room knew who the Monster was, but is unable to even remember must be crushing him and everyone else in the room.

Especially me, because this monster has taken so much from me and he wants to take even more.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

So now we know why Agent Bones and Melanie were working together!!!!

Yes, the Monster has Agent Bones' sister! Why didn't it make headlines? You'll find out the next chapter.

Melanie keeps blaming herself and feels worthless, but she's slowly remembering.

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!!!!


-Kassandra Vivu

I'm Alive (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora