The Heroic Knight

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As the knight came back,

riding slowly on his horse

after fighting off assassins,

he came riding to his town,

the town of London,

hoping his love wouldn't mind,

wouldn't mind helping him clean

his armor from his mission,

but yet he couldn't wait to see

the smile on his daughter's face

when he showed her his new sword.

Yet, when he came to see his town

of fire, later to be named

the Great Fire of London

he rode in fast, to find his family,

his family was visiting friends in

London, hence the reason he came

here first instead of home.

He came only to find his family

trapped, trapped behind a wall beam,

he was able to get his family,

his family who is still alive, his daughter,

the one who is writing this;

One day I hope, I will be even just

half as heroic as my dad in the Great Fire.

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