Chapter 20

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'Choi San?! Descendant of the...'

'Finally.. Take my hand Ryujin, I won't harm your family. I know you want to.'

I stepped back a bit more when his body and arm walked towards my trembling body. I was still too hesitant but I needed to. San then leaned into my ear and whispered, 'I can kill them right now..'

'Alright! Alright!' I sobbed, 'Where will my family stay?' San smiled and giggled in victory. 'Close by to where you will work as our new death eater with the others.' My eyes were coated with wet tears that fell from my eyes across the surface of my cheeks. He than ran his fingers through my cheeks to wipe my tears. Soon, after San backed up his body, death eaters started to travel in the dark smoke that seemed opaque, then took my family off their knees, also Raejin who San was previously holding. Gone. 'I knew I could count on you,' he whispered seductively. 'Your left arm.' He harshly took it from me, then pointed his wand at it. Moments after he did that, a burning sensation came unto my arm, following with a tattoo of a skull and snake that seem irremovable. I hissed in pain and tears, only making San even more satisfied. 'That's better. You'll be able to summon me as soon as you get what you are told to get.' His smile showed his fanged teeth and horrifying smile. Still stuck onto his grip, he apparated, only to arrive at a mansion with more people dressed in black.

'Meet the new member, Shin Ryujin.'

'RYUJIN!' a familiar voice called out. I just realized that Yeji and I had arrived at our destination. 'This is it?' I tried to keep a straight face after remembering the past. 'Yes.' It was some sort of cave. A cave too big for anyone to even pass through it. Yeji led me through it and ran through the rocks and pebles, until we are confronted with a huge door, or vault, that seemed locked, only to be opened by a blood sacrifice, according to Yeji. 'Do you really want to-'

'Yes.' I took a small dagger that laid quietly in my pocket for all this time. 'Ryujin-' As soon as Yeji tried to stop me, my palm was already cut open. I smeered it down the rough surface of the rocks and the gate immediately opened. A cruel way for someone, anyone actually, to create a gateway. One step into the door that looked like a vault, Yeji asked something to stop me and make me freeze in my spot.

'Why are you like this? The Ryujin I know would never.'

'Look, Yeji, I'm not the Ryujin that you know right now. I have no choice and you can't persuade me to want to change. It's too late to even try to help me now.' I continued to walk towards what was inside the cave, leaving Yeji behind; speechless.

[Lee Chaeryeong's p.o.v]

Nothing. For the past few hours we found nothing. Lia still regretting about what she said to Yeji. We don't even know where she is right at this moment. Lia's still trying to hide her face from me or anyone she meets, very opposite of her at Hogwarts. She's not as cheerful, as supportive and positive as she used to be. I didn't really know what to do at this moment. Should I calm Lia down? Should I stay? Or what? I only knew one thing; we need to find Yeji and Yuna and get this all cleared up.

'C'mon,' I slapped Lia's shoulder softly. 'We need to find them.'


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