Breaking News

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I unlock my office and head straight to my desk. I sigh as I plop down and lean my elbows on the desk before running my hands through my hair.  At the moment, Felix and Kendall were giving Chloe a tour around the facility. 

Normally, I would stay and help but I just wanted some space from everyone. I wasn't in the best mood and I didn't really know why. A buzz from my phone gets my attention and I sigh before flipping it over to see an incoming face time call. As I read the name I feel a smile appear on my face. 

"Hey, baby. I was worried you weren't going to pick up." Mark's face appears on the screen. In the background, there was a lot of talking and people walking.

"You don't know how much I miss you." He looks straight at the camera and flashes me a child-like smile making me grin like an idiot.

"You miss me already? I'm touched." I playfully roll my eyes and he lightly chuckles. 

"I miss you too babe. I was calling to let you know that I just landed and am calling an uber to my mom's place."

A knock on the door grabs my attention and I watch Chloe come in. I suppress the urge to roll my eyes at her for interrupting my call with Mark.

"Mark I'm so sorry but someone just walked in, can I call you back later?" I slightly frown and he gives me an understanding nod. 

"It's okay Brianna, my ride is here anyway. I love you."

"Love you too." I end the call and plaster a fake smile to Chloe. The sooner I figure out what she wants the sooner I can be by myself. "How can I help you Chloe?"

"I wanted to apologize." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and support my head with my right hand on leaned on the table.

"What for?" She takes a seat on one of the chairs in front of my desk. 

"I feel like we got off on the wrong foot." What gave her that idea? It's not like shes overly flirting with Felix and being unprofessional. 

"Why would you say that?" 

"The way I've been acting is unprofessional and I sincerely apologize. I guess I'm just surprised to have a boss who isn't a guy, I mean we girls gotta work harder am I right?." She says in a joking tone as I just nod my head. She clears her throat and continues talking. "Not that women can't be bosses, or that you don't seem like one-"

"Is there a certain way a boss should look like?"

"No no. See this is what I meant to say, I'm just weird when it comes to talking to other girls. I guess I'm just really intimidated." Oh, she is such an ass kisser. 

"There's nothing to be intimidated about. Were very easy going so long as you do your job." I tried not to sound so blunt. 

"Yeah, I can see that. I also wanted to thank you for hiring me."

"Well I was impressed with your resume. Chloe, you seem like a great girl but just relax and be yourself. Just help out when needed and well get along just fine." I say with a sincere voice and she lightly smiles. I shouldn't be so rude, maybe she really is just nervous and probably a little too friendly of a person. I mentally decide to give her a chance and offer her a smile back. She stands up and extends her hand for me to shake. I shake her hand and she smiles even wider. 

"I promise I won't let you down." She says before exiting out of the door. I shake my head and decided to spend the rest of my time at The Center doing paperwork. 


Eight-thirty rolls around and I call it quits on the current accounts I was overlooking. I get up from the chair and stretch out my limbs and unconsciously groan as I feel some of my bones pop. 

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