Bouquet of Roses

140 12 18

I write down notes and nod my head, as my last patient of the day informs me about their week. As I kept writing my mind had started to wander. Mark and I were back to normal, he had been putting a lot more effort into our relationship. Like offering to cook and pick me up from work. We even started having date night again.

There had been two more deaths, each more brutal than the next. Police had finally made a connection to all of the murders and realized, all the women were cheating on their significant others. It seems like the killer went after unfaithful women. The more I read about the case the more interested I got. I had always been interested in murder mystery but to have one happen in your town, was terrifying. I guess I was wanting to figure out the killer and find out how he hadn't been caught yet. 

Felix had been acting strange ever since I skipped out on the interviews last minute. I know what I did was unprofessional but it's not like they needed my help. Every time I tried talking to Felix hed barely talk or make up some excuse. I hope he wasn't mad at me, I missed our weird and funny conversations. I shake my head and focus on the patient's voice. 

Soon enough five pm rolled around and I was saying goodbye to my patient. I was collecting my things before locking my door. I made my way to the elevator and the memory of Felix pops in my head. I shake my head as a small smile finds its way to my face. I click the first-floor button and in no time find myself driving home. Where I'd grab a quick bite before heading to The Center. Hopefully, it wouldn't be awkward with Felix today. 

I park the car and unlock the front door to find Max playing with his toy. He drops the rope monkey and runs towards me wagging his tail. 

"Hi, baby! Aren't you excited to see mama?" I bend down and Max jumps on me trying to lick my face.

"Oh yes, I am." I look to the kitchen to see Mark wearing an apron. I shake my head and laugh at his comment before getting up. Max goes back to playing with his toy as I make my way towards Mark. 

"Good looking and a cook, arent you the full package?" Mark pulls me in by the waist before planting a kiss on lips. 

"I made you some lunch so you can eat before going to The Center. My break is almost over so I can't stay and eat but I'll see you later on tonight." Mark loosens his grip on me and I walk towards the pot. He had made spaghetti, it smelled great. 

"Mark that's so sweet, you didn't have to take a later lunch for me."

"It's not a big deal, anything for you babe." He grabs a container and serves himself the spaghetti before slipping it in his bag. He kisses my forehead and waves goodbye to Max before heading out the door. 

I eat lunch before letting Max out to do his business. Soon after I change into different clothes and head to The Center. 


After spending three hours on the computer I had finally caught up on my work for tomorrow's restock. I file away some of the paperwork and shut off my computer before standing up. I look over tomorrow's schedule before hearing Kendall call my name. 

"Come in."

"Hey are you busy?"

"No what's up. 

"Mary says she needs help in the kitchen, I would do it but I'm training-"

"Don't worry. I'd be happy to help."

"Thanks Bri." After helping Mary I would call it a day. I collect my things and lock the door before making my way to the kitchen. 

I walk into the back to find Mary running around. 

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