The Aftermath

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I stood still as my alarm rang to get ready for work, I didn't even get any sleep. I just stayed up staring at my white ceiling. I sighed before getting up and taking a quick cold shower. I decided to skip breakfast, my mind to busy for my appetite. I walk downstairs and straighten up the living room. 

"You're not going to eat?" I turn around to see Mark standing by the stairs looking groggy but concern laced in his voice. 

"I'm not really hungry." I state as I turn my back on him. I hear his footsteps come closer and feel his presence behind me. He puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. I turn around and face him, a frown on his sleepy face. 

"Babe, I'm sorry about your co-worker. I know you two didn't always get along but you shouldn't feel guilty. What happened to her is horrible and I'm sure they'll catch her killer." It's true, Nicole and I butted heads occasionally but she helped out so much at The Center. Overall she was a good person, she didn't deserve to be brutally murdered.

"What if its the same killer from Arizona? They never caught him and if so why is he only going for women?" Mark shrugged before kissing my cheek. 

"I don't know but I'm sure everything will work out." He yawned and laid down on the couch, I know he woke up just to make sure I was okay. 

"I'm going to go early to work, why don't you go back to bed. I promise I'm going to be okay." He nodded his head at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips before going back upstairs. I grabbed my keys and started my car before driving to work. 

I locked my car and walked to the front of the building, a familiar black car grabbing my attention. I walk in and greet the receptionist before taking the elevator up, the doors slide open to reveal Felix. 

"Hey." I say with a gentle voice as I step out. 

"Hey." He plainly states, his posture was straight almost as if he had his guard up.  

"Are you okay?" I put a comforting hand on his arm unaware of how it may be inappropriate. 

"Yeah... Actually no. No, I'm really not." I feel him relax under me as I nod and give him a sad smile. 

"You wanna talk in my office? I'm here early and my first appointment doesn't start for another thirty-five minutes. 

"As my therapist?" He drops eye contact and looks at his shoes. 

"No as a friend. Something is clearly bothering you and I want to help." He follows me to my office and takes a seat on the chair. I set down my stuff and sit beside him and face his direction. He changes his position towards me as I lean my head against my arm waiting for him to talk. 

"Last night was just rough. I had a bad day and Nicole was flirting with me and it was just annoying. She kept trying to pressure me into going out with her to get drinks. I was just so frustrated so I snapped and was rude to her and left her alone. Then when I got home I heard about her murder, I keep thinking that maybe if I would have gone with her or even walked her to her car... she'd still be alive." He looked at his hands and frowned.

"Hey, what happened to Nicole is tragic but it wasn't your fault. You had a bad day, so it's okay if you didn't want to go drinking. I'm having a hard time accepting her death too."

"I guess it's neither of our fault right?" 

"Right." I smiled at him. "I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you at The Center yesterday. I was on my way to talk to you but something came up. 

"You're okay. Honestly, I could have used your presence but we're talking now and that's all that matters." He says as he looks up at me with a charming smile. I lightly shove him and he chuckles. 

"Why did you have a bad day?"

"I think life is playing with me. I'm having a crisis, im going against my nature for the one thing and it's scary. I dont know if it's even worth it, god I hope it's worth it."

"What do you mean?" Felix phone began to ring and he excused himself as he answered. He got up the couch and began to talk to whoever was on the other side of the call. I get up and start sorting paperwork for my first patient. Felix ends the call and lets out a heavy breath. 

"I'm sorry but I have to go. I'll see you tonight?"

"Huh?" I suddenly felt really hot. 

"At The Center?" I close my eyes and laugh. He looks at me with a side smile as his blue eyes gleamed with mischief. 

"Yeah. I'll see you at the center. I've got a lot of work to do and you're going to help." I walk with him towards the elevator. 

"Sounds good, I'll see you later Bri." 

"Bye Felix." We smile at each other before the doors close and Felix goes down. I watch him as he walks and suddenly turns around. He gives me a childish grin and playful wave before walking away, leaving me with a smile. 

The day goes fast with the four appointments I had. I head home to change and check up on my dog. He was still asleep so I kissed his head before heading to the kitchen to pack something to eat tonight. I was going to be staying late today at The Center so I went ahead and made Mark dinner with a note. I opened the doggy door and packed my lunch before heading out. 


When I get to The Center I see Felix waiting for me outside my office. I give him a smile as I fumble for my keys. He takes the bags from my hands and I thank him before opening the door. 

"So what do you need help with?"

"Well the news channel is coming by today to interview us, they want to do a special for Nicole. I have to call a meeting with the volunteers and staff regarding about what happened to her. I also have to find a new nurse and do a bunch of paperwork that you're going to help me with." 

"Sounds like a lot... but we got this." I smile at his enthusiasm as a knock on the door grabs our attention. Kendall walks in with his eyebrows furrowed, it looked like something was bothering him.

"Kendall what's wrong?"

"Well, the news is here. They're asking volunteers and staff questions but they specifically asked for both of you."

"Okay well I was expecting them-"

"But the police is also here. They want to talk to you, and Felix." We stand up and follow him down the stairs. My eyes land on the newscast and I try walking towards them but Kendall puts his hand on my arm making me look at him. "They want to talk to you now Brianna." I look to see where Kendall's eyes were, two police officers were walking towards us.

"Now? I have interviews, a meeting and a shit ton of paperwork to do." I let out a scoff as Kendall nods his head. I politely ask him to round up the volunteers and staff into the gym and start the meeting without me. He walks away and I turn around to look at Felix. He didn't look worried or annoyed, in fact he had no emotion on his face as the officers finally approached us.

"What can I do for you officers?" I smile at them trying to be nice even if I was annoyed. 

"We're going to need both of you to come with us." 

A/n: sorry for the short chapter but as I was writing my computer decided to shut off and update and I lost everything (-:

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