'Friendly' Stranger

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"Our last stop is the kitchen, if you don't want to cook you can always do dishes or help with stock." Felix nodded as he looked around. We had toured most of the facility, Felix hadn't really said much but he was definitely taking in everything. I turn to face him with a warm smile. "Now that you're part of the family I'm going to need some personal information." I reach in my back pocket and hand him my phone so he could put in his information.

"You're not a serial killer right?" Felix inputs his number and email.

"No. I promise I'll only use it for work-related problems." I wave off his goofy response and lightly chuckle. 

"Or you could always just text me to talk." Felix looks up from typing in his number and gives me a sly smile. I pause, not knowing what to say but instead just give him an awkward smile, choosing to ignore that comment. He hands me back my phone and I thank him. 

"So. Do you have any medical experience?" I look at the clipboard in my hand and flip the pages in his profile to see if he had any.

"Actually I do. I'm a pediatrician." Felix smiles as I look up from the papers, I return the smile back.

"Oh wow, that's great! What are you doing here?" I set the clipboard down to help someone who was struggling with a box. Felix follows me and motions for me to stop. Confused, I stand still as he gets right in front of me.

"Well, I just moved here and don't know anyone. I figured the best way to get to know people was to help them." Felix gently took the box from my hand and walks towards the kitchen storage room. I thank him as I stand at the doorway of the room. 

"Would you be interested in volunteering in the medical wing? We could use an extra set of hands, the nurse has her hands pretty full with sick patients." Felix places the box next to the pile and turns back around to face me. 

"I'd be more than happy too." Felix flashes a charming smile and I found the corner of my lips tugging upward. 

"Great! I'll have her come and give you a tour of the medical office that way she can introduce herself."

"Actually do you think you can show me where it is, I rather much keep talking to you." He chuckled. Was he flirting?  "Unless you don't want to, it's fine if not."

"No, it's okay, follow me." Felix walks beside me and I inform him of the history of the shelter on how it used to be a school. We stop at a glass display of old pictures of when the shelter was first opened. I tell him about my grandma and how she founded the shelter with her old college best friend. He looks at me with a smile while I keep babbling about the past. "I'm boring you aren't I?"

"Not at all. I think it's amazing how much this place means to you. The way your eyes light up, it shows you have passion for this, for what you do." He leans against the wall near me.

"It's my grandmother's legacy, I'd like for it to keep going. She had a passion for helping others and I guess it rubbed off on me." Felix smiled as he kept staring at me, I purse my lips in an awkward smile and continue walking.

"So Felix what made you move here?" I try changing the subject.

"I used to live here a couple of years back. I came back for some unfinished business."

"Sounds mysterious." I raise my eyebrow at him making him lightly chuckle. We turned right, the office was just down the hall.

"Does that interest you?" Felix makes direct eye contact causing my face to flush a bit as I cleared my throat. I rolled my eyes playfully and shake my head. He smirks before continuing. "I decided that I couldn't run from my past anymore. But enough about me, tell me about yourself."

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