Chapter 22 - Then there were 4

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Chapter 21 is after this chapter!!

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in soooo long but I am so busy at the moment and I am trying to make the chapters more interesting so I'll try to make them more interesting but it may take time!

Thank you all so much for 9.8k reads it means so much!


Hey caitlin, I think I should tell you something" I heard a sad voice beside me which sounded like cameron. I turned around and looked at cameron confused and he sat on the swing beside me.

"Me, You, Nash and Hayes got kicked out of Magcon and we have to leave tonight" Cameron got teary eyes "oh" is all I could say "but on the plus side, Me and Nash found an apartment in la and it has enough room for everyone and we can all live there, all of our problems will be gone" Cameron half smiled.

"We should probably get back to the Magcon hotel cause our flight leaves in an hour" I laughed at Cameron and we all walked back to the magcon hotel, I was the first one to fully pack and put my bags in the corridor. I slid down the wall and sat down on the floor thinking then Matthew came and smiled sitting down next to me "why are you sad babe?" I just laughed and opened the picture of Lexi and him and threw it at him and started walking around the corner and returned to my thinking until my thoughts were interrupted by hayes.

"Omg! Can I not get 1 minute by my self!" Hayes walked over and sat down with me, it was silent for a few seconds then "sorry I just wanted to ask did you really say that to Mandy?"

I looked at him annoyed "your really going to bring that up?" I gave him an annoyed and confused face "I just want to know ok?" He looked at me as if begging to find out.

"The fact that you would actually think I would do that hurts" with that said I stood up with my bag and walked back into the door and Nash and Cameron fell on the floor "Eavesdropping much" they just laughed "What does he think you did?" Cameron and Nash stopped laughing and gave me a serious look.

"Oh he thinks I told Mandy to leave the world and that I was giving her death stares to scare her away, but it was the complete opposite she did all that to me, but it's over now so whatever" I just shrugged and walked out the door to the lobby where hayes was standing and cameron and Nash followed behind me.

We got into the limo and it drove us to the airport and we put all our bags into the bay and the plane lifted of the ground and we were sent into the sky on the way to la.


Wow this is so short sorry

I had writers block while I was writing this so its a really bad chapter 😬 but i didn't want you guys to wait so.

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