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Its was a Saturday, we are at the house just relaxing like most weekends. Today marked a little over 2 weeks that we had testing done. I went out a grabbed the mail, I looked though it on my way back to the house, there it was the results. Once in the house I tossed the envelops down on the table. Becca picked up the one with the results, "Hey aren't you going to open it?", "Nope", "Fine then I will", Becca begins opening it up, pulls out the papers scanning it over, "well would you look here, Nikki Sixx is the father", I just look over at her with a smirk. I knew he was Ash's dad didn't need to look. 

Becca and I decided to go do grocery shopping today, we were starting to run low. We made our way to the store, we are trying to figure out exactly what we needed because we never wrote anything down. Once done with getting everything, we stood in line to check out, Becca picked up a tabloid magazine and showed me the front, 'Nikki Sixx and wife Brandi Brandt seem to be on the outs, is it because of new child?' What the fuck?? He never said one word about being married, I told Becca to buy it. 

Once we got home Becca was putting the stuff away, I sat down at the table looking over the article, praying to god they were not talking about Ashley or have any information on her. I didn't do any of this for her to be thrown in this mags. I know her daddy is famous but she doesn't need to be in it. Once I looked over it, I didn't see anything we were still under the radar, I called Nikki because we need to discuss this, well everything. After a few rings the phone is answered by a female, "Hello", "Yeah hi is Nikki around?", "Who is this?", "Rylynn", "Oh so your THE baby mama", "Listen I didn't call to fight or argue I just need to speak to him, its important", "Yeah well he isn't here, so I would appreciate it if you didn't call here anymore, because he isn't going to be with you, he is with me we are married", " Okay first off I could care less if you all are married, second only thing that matters is what we need to do with OUR child", "Your child probably isn't even his", "I'm sorry honey you didn't get to be the first one to have his baby", and with that I slammed the phone back down on the receiver. The only other place he would be was the studio, Becca said she would stay with Ash while I went down there.

Thankfully Nikki wrote down the address for me, in case I ever needed him. I pull up in front of the studio, and I see Nikki's black corvette good which means he is here. I sit in my car for a few moments, what am I doing? Just go talk to him its not like you have never been face to face. After giving my self a little pep talk, I get out of the car and walk in the door. I see what must be a reception desk, there is a older lady sitting there. "Hi sweetie can I help you?", "Umm yeah I need to speak with Nikki", "okay sweetie just sit there in one of those chairs for me", she was really nice so I sat down while she picked up the phone, "Hi Al can you tell Nikki he has a visitor, sweetie what is your name", "Rylynn", "She said her name is Rylynn, okay thanks hon", then she placed the phone back down, "He will be up here in a few minutes", I nod my head. 

After a few minutes Nikki comes through the door, "Hey what are you doing here?", "We need to talk, like right now", "Okay come in here", he lead me into what look like a small kitchen, cafeteria area. "What's going on?", "One, why didn't you bother to tell me you were married? Second why is the tabloid mags talking about our kid?", Nikki just puts his hands on his hips looks to the floor shaking his head a little. "I didn't tell you I was married because we are splitting up, I'm going to be fling for divorce soon, so I didn't think it mattered", "really?? after you was asking me all those questions about me after that night and you couldn't even bother to say 'hey im married but we are split' jesus christ", "listen I understand you are upset, but its not like we are a thing, we aren't fucking", I stood there staring at him, my blood was boiling. It took every thing in me to not hit him. So I decided to raise my voice "You know what the results came in today, so when you want to see our daughter call me first, then we can work it out", with that I turned on my heel and walked right out. Part of me would hope he would run after me, I don't know why, but he just stayed there. 

NEVER TELL// N.S.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora