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After Nikki got into the house, and after he said hello to Becca he picked me up, we had a proper hello, welcome home. Once we made our way back out to the kitchen, Becca was sitting there with a smirk. 

(Flashback to before leaving the bedroom)

"Listen Nikki I have thought about your proposal", "Okay", "There is some things I want to tell you before we decide to move forward, okay?", He could tell I was nervous, I laid my head on his chest I was tracing the tattoos on his arm, that he had resting on his stomach. So I began talking, "So before I moved to LA, I was dating a guy he was what I thought to be the most perfect man, he took care of me, he loved Ash. I thought I hit the jackpot. After 6 months he wanted to get married, and when I told him I wasn't ready yet it was like a switch flipped. He became abusive, verbally and physically he never laid a hand on Ash it was just me. I would never get away from him, I was his and if he couldn't have me no one would, that was the night he put a knife to my throat. I ran, in the middle of the night. I moved here so he couldn't find me", Nikki is laying very still not moving a muscle I'm not sure I can't see his face, but if I had to guess he was pissed. "Its not that I don't want to spend my life with you, I don't want you to get hurt or killed because of his psycho ass." "Baby trust me, he will not hurt you or me, if he is smart he will never come around here", "well that's the thing Nikki I'm scared if I end up in a magazine with you he will find me", "trust me he will never get near you", "Now back to my original question, Ms Rylynn Bennett will you marry me?", "Yes Nikki I will". 

Once done celebrating again is when we made our way to the kitchen. I looked at Becca and gave her the look that I told him. Then I mouthed to her ' I said yes' , and put my hand up. She squealed as got out of the chair, and squeezed me. I only have a week with Nikki, before he is gone again so after Ash made it home, I packed a week's worth of clothes and had talk to the school earlier that day about her being on a vacation, so the next morning I was going to go and pick up the assignments she needed for the week. Which wasn't very much. I can honestly say that for once I feel completely safe with Nikki, I haven't felt this comfortable for a long time. I just hope me living my life, and letting some of the wall down isn't a mistake. 

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