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Its the last show of the tour, me and Nikki have decided to go on a small honeymoon. Basically the morning after the show we are leaving. I called Becca to let her know everything, she is unbelievable I don't know what I would do without her. Nikki won't tell me where we are going, but I'm assuming warm, beaches, etc. 

The is over and once again we do our ritual, then we head for the hotel, the other boys wanted us to go with them to celebrate but Nikki wanted us to spend time alone. 

Once we walked into the room, I began stripping my clothes off. For some reason I am feeling really hot. As I am doing this Nikki is just leaning against the wall with this arms folded and a smirk on across his lips. I head to the bathroom, "Are you coming or just watching the show?", as I flash him a smirk of mine own. As quickly as possible he begins to take his clothes off. 

It's morning and we are on a plane to some where. Nikki still won't budge on where we are heading. So I just sit back and enjoy the ride. 

Once we landed I knew where we were, Hawaii. Its so beautiful here, I would totally pack my shit and live here forever. We make into the car to take us to the hotel, which has their own private beach. God heaven on earth. It does take long before we are in the bed. We spend a good two hours there, no one banging on the door, no one calling, just us. It was heaven. 

We made our way down to the beach, laying in the sun, going into the water to cool off. While we are laying in sun Nikki ask me something that didn't know if wanted to discuss, "So what do you think about having another baby?", "I think it will happen when its suppose to happen", "So you have no problem having more babies?", "No, but I'm not going to stress out about having a baby on a time frame", "Okay". I peak over at Nikki while we are laying there, and his has a smile on his face. I guess that was an answer he wanted, but I was truthful I'm not going to put myself on a time frame, if it is meant to be then it'll happen. 

We spent a whole week on our honeymoon, now it was back to reality. Nikki asked me while there if I would stay home and no longer work, but I told him I wasn't going to live off him, that I liked having my own money, even if was not much. He understood, and I think he may have loved me even more after that statement. I wasn't with him for the money, I don't care about his money. But he insisted that he was paying for our wedding, whatever I wanted, as many people that I wanted. So I agreed just save an argument. But I wasn't worried about any of that right now, I'm not even sure when I want to do it, that is something we are putting on the back burner for now. 

Once we are back, we pick up Ash. We sit down with her and explain everything. She as innocent as can be looks at both of us and says, "I thought you were already married", we giggle and Nikki looks at her, "I guess we were", he gives her a kiss on the head, then she is off back to playing with her toys. 

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