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So its Friday, and we told my parents that we was going to be working on a project all weekend. That got me out of the house, after school I packed my bag and left for Becca's before my parents got home. As I was getting ready for my date, my stomach was doing flips, not in a good way. I rushed to Becca's bathroom which thankfully was attach to her room. "Hey are you that nervous?", "No I just have not been feeling well for a while now I don't know what is going on", I replied. "Listen Ry I know you don't want to talk about it or just whatever but what really happen at the concert?", I sighed. "Okay....I did have sex with Nikki", she just looked at me with her mouth open. "Dude say something, you are freaking me out", "Oh my god, did he use anything?", I tried to remember but I don't think he did. "Umm...I don't think so", "You need to take a pregnancy test, I am not saying you are but what if...", I just shook my head, no no no, that can't happen. 

Once I got back from my date with Draven, which was a lot of fun, me and Becca decided that tomorrow we would get a pregnancy test. I couldn't sleep at all, I had so many things going through my head, so many worries. How would I tell my parents, should I say anything to Nikki, god the kids at school. Everything was so upside down. So the next day me and Becca went to the drug store to buy a test, once we got to her house I took one. We both sat and waited for the long agonizing three minutes for the test to finish. Once the test was done, I was to scared to look so I made Becca do it, and look on her face told me the answer we were waiting for. 


sorry for the short chapter, but it will get even more interesting in the coming chapters...enjoy!!!

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