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The next morning, I woke pretty sore and still very sleepy. I knew I would need to get up, make food, shower, etc. As I was getting ready to get up out of bed, Nikki grabbed my wrist. "Stay with me", "I need to shower, and make breakfast", "No stay here with me, until I leave for the tour, I wanna spend as much time with my girls as I can", "Let me think about it, okay?", "Okay". Then Nikki pulled me down to him, and kissed me on the lips, "I love you", "I love you too sixx", then I was off to shower. 

Once done and the kitchen cooking, I heard Nikki make his way down. Ash was still out, I'm not surprised really because with weekends she always slept late. Nikki came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist, putting his head on my shoulder. "I really want you and Ash here, even if its not permanently right now, at least for now until I leave in a month for the tour", "Well there is a few things that might be a hiccup, Ash's school is a bit farther from here, we would have to drop her off and pick up.", " I will drop her off on my way to rehearsals then you just pick her after work like you do now", "You are not going to be up earlier enough to take her to school", "Yes I will we are doing rehearsals early so we are not there late at night", "Well if i do this, I mean if, then I would have to go and get things we need while we are here", "Okay, I really really want you here", "Okay I will stay with you, but if something starts not working out, we are going back home", "Deal". Nikki picked me up, spin me around and peppered me with kisses. I know Ash will be excited.

Later that afternoon, I took Ash with me to the house to grab clothes and whatever else we need. I sat down with Becca and let her know what was going on, she is really excited for me. I also explained to her that I would be over as much as possible, helping out and every thing since it is my house. Becca didn't care she was just thrilled that things were going so well with us. Once Ash got her toys she wanted and school stuff, I started getting the clothes together, my stuff for work, all the essentials. Before we left, I wrote down the number to Nikki's place so Becca had it, gave her a big hug and we were on our way. Once we got back to the house we were deciding on dinner which is on the to do list tomorrow is buying food. We decided to go with Chinese take out. Ash was really picking when it came to it, but I knew what she would eat so I made sure to get plenty of it. Once the food arrived we sat in the living room watch some movie that Ash loves, and relaxed. I hate to admit it but it did feel like home, maybe because I was with Nikki, I'm not sure. I know I'm going to really miss him when he is on tour. 

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