Chapter 25: "You Must Be Horny As Hell!"

Start from the beginning

Five suddenly stops in his tracks and spins around to face us "Klaus, it doesn't matter." Upset that his balloon of joy has deflated, Klaus shouts "What? What's the big deal with this eye, anyway?" Five stomps closer and glowers at Klaus "There is someone out there who is going to lose an eye in the next seven days. They're going to bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it."

"What?!" My heart seems to stop and everything around me slows down. If I heard Five correctly, there is about to be a freaking apocalypse and he didn't even bother to tell me! Fear and adrenaline mix together to create an unholy concoction. Panic is beating against my sternum like a drum and my mind is flitting from thought to thought at the speed of light. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that the world is going to end. Everyone I love, reduced to nothing in a split second.

Five turns to me and clutches my hands "Y/N, I'm sorry you had to hear it like this. But it's true. The apocalypse is in a week!" I wrench myself out of his grip and watch as hurt flashes across his expression. Tears drip down my cheek although I try my best to hastily wipe them away. "Five, I... can't deal with this right now. Why didn't you tell me?! The 'apocalypse' is already hard enough to accept, but the fact that you've been keeping secrets makes things even worse! What even are we, Five? Am I just some girl you're going to use until the world ends? I genuinely thought you had changed, but you're still a stupid assh$le." "Y/N..." Five moves towards me as if to apologise but I wave my hand and a blast of rainbow energy pushes him back. "Don't touch me!" I yell before morphing into him. "Y/N, wait!"

I hear him to say anything, because I teleport away a millisecond later.

• ♤ • ♤ • ♤ • ♤ • ♤ •

It feels like my whole world is collapsing as Y/N spacial jumps away from me. I don't know what to do, what to say. Everything just happened so fast, one second we were talking normally and the next... I have to admit, it is my fault for not telling her. But can you blame me for wanting to keep her safe?

A tentative voice penetrates my train of thought "Yeah, so, can I get my 20 bucks like now, or what?" I turn to Klaus and muster up my most withering voice "Your 20 bucks? The apocalypse is coming, Y/N just ditched me and all you can think about is getting high?!" "Well, I'm also quite hungry. Tummy's a rumblin'," Klaus pats his stomach and imitates a gurgling sound.

I let out all the chaotic feelings I'm experiencing right now by shouting "You're useless! You're all useless!" Klaus rolls his eyes "Oh, come on. You need to lighten up, old man." Suddenly, Klaus gasps excitedly as I take a seat on the staircase "Hey, you know, I've just now realised why you're so uptight." He plops down next to me while I mentally prepare to hear his sh¡t.

"You must be horny as hell!" Klaus yells. I flush bright red, recalling Y/N caressing my skin. "Aha! I knew I was right!" He punches me playfully and continues "All those years by yourself... and suddenly a gorgeous girl like Y/N slides back into your life." I shake my head at him but he blatantly goes on "I saw you and Y/N getting all touchy-feely, displaying some serious PDA. At one point, I actually thought you both were going to go at it on the freaking desk." My blush darkens and I hide my face from him by gazing away. "You know, if you hadn't messed up with Y/N just now, I've got a pretty good idea of what you both would be doing tonight," Klaus winks.

My cheeks turn even redder than I thought possible until I can't take it. Standing up, I scold "Why would you even say that?!" "So it's true. You definitely have the hots for Y/N." "Well, duh!" I have to resort to using modern slang to get my point across and it almost physically hurts me. Klaus' expression turns serious "Look, Five. Y/N really likes you. I have no idea why, I mean, you're really annoying-" "Get to the point," I scoff.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙐𝙉𝙆𝙉𝙊𝙒𝙉 𝙉𝙐𝙈𝘽𝙀𝙍 ➸ No. FiveWhere stories live. Discover now