Chapter 12 We Dance and Have Fun

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*Maka's P.O.V*

I woke up early in the morning. Since today is Saturday, I will let (F/N) sleep. I need to go grocery shopping with Soul today. I changed my clothes and went to Soul's bedroom. The moment I open the door, I see (F/N) and Soul asleep together. Soul's arms around (F/N) waist. I smiled, I'm happy that they finally found out that they love each other. I quietly went out the room and went grocery shopping.

*Soul's P.O.V*

I woke up and saw (F/N) sound asleep. A smile grew on my face. I sighed and caressed her cheek. I saw her eyes open slowly.

"Good morning sunshine." I said.

"Good *yawn* morning." She yawned. I kissed her and she kissed me back. My cellphone rang. We both stopped. I grunted. I grabbed my phone, it was Black Star. I answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Soul!" He yelled in the phone.

"Whoa! Put the voice volume down."

"Sorry. Hey Soul."

"What is it?"

"I was thinking if we could go to the club." (F/N) looked at me with a confused face. "We can dance, get drunk, and get crazy. I don't think Maka will come because she likes 'quiet'. So you guys gonna come?"

"If it's fine with (F/N)."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you dating (F/N)?"


"Okay, then I will see you at your place."

"Alright. Bye dude."

"Who is it?" (F/N) asked.

"It was Black Star. He said if we wanted to go to the club."

"I never been to a club before."

"Then I will take you to your first club." She hugged me. She let me go and looked at the ceiling, smiling. I was looking at the door that was opening.

"Soul!~" Blaire sang my name. She had a red bikini on.

"Blaire!" I yelled. My nose started to bleed. (F/N) got up and out of the bed. I grabbed her arm. "Where you going?"

"I'm going to get paper towels."She giggled. I let her go. when she left Blaire hopped closer to me.

"Did you guys -" I cut her off.

"No. We didn't."

"But are you guys together?" She asked. Before I could respond, (F/N) came in with a paper towel. She wiped the blood from my nose. I heard some plastic bags and cans.

*(F/N)'s P.O.V*

I walked to the noise. It was Maka with bags and stuff. She bought groceries. I helped her put them away.

"Is anyone hungry?!" I yelled out.

"I am!" Maka and Soul yelled in unison. I got out all the ingredients and made sunny side up,french toast, bacon, and I also I made some catnip for Blaire. We all ate. Soul broke the silence.

"Hey Maka." Soul said.


"Do you want to go to the club with all of us?"

"I want to go!" Blaire yelled.

"Blaire you are invited." Soul sighed.

"A club!? How are we gonna do that?!" Maka got serious.

"Like last time, fake IDs."

"But how are we gonna get fake IDs?"

I suddenly spoke." I think I can make them." I said in a weird tone.

"Ok good."Soul said. We finally finished eating.

"Girls, lets go shopping!" Blaire said.

"No. I already have clothes." Maka replied with a book in her hand.

"Oh come on. New clothes plus new style equals you an me dating guys."

"I would like to come." I said.

"Yay! Then change and lets go." I got changed in shorts a big sweater and boots. I got my money too. Blaire and I went to the mall. There were a lot I mean 'a lot' of people, beautiful clothing, and big food courts. "First lets check out the dresses." We went to a dress store with a pretty dresses. Blaire got a lot and she handed them to me. " put these on." I went in one of the dressing rooms and took off my sweater and shorts. I put on a dark blue, sparkly, strapless, short dress with tears on my waist. I came out and show Blaire the dress. She twirled me around and told me that I look pretty. I went back to the dressing room, took off the dress and put another one. It was tight on my chest. I took it off and put another one. It was a cheetah print dress with a black skirt.I should it to Blaire and she smiled. I went back and changed into my normal clothes. We bought the dresses and went to a store. Blaire chose one outfit and I chose two. First outfit was a blue crop top and black skirt. Second outfit is a white crop top with black shorts. Blaire's outfit was a red, strapless bikini top, black leathered shorts, and a black leathered jacket. We picked an outfit for her. A dark, blue , one strap dress. we bought the clothes and went to the hair salon to get our hairs done. On the tip of my hair they made curls and on Blaire's hair with curls too. After that we went to the apartment. Just in time I made the fake IDs. I took a shower, dressed up in my new (pick an outfit from the pictures) and fixed my curly hair. Soul got out of his room and his jaw dropped down to the floor. Everyone came and I gave them there fake IDs. Without anyone looking, I gave Soul a kiss.

"You're too cute to resist." Soul whispered to my ear and nibbled it. I jumped in shock. We all made it to the building in a car. A security guy asked us for our IDs. We all showed him our IDs and went in. Everyone was dancing and getting drunk, except me and Tsubaki. I heard a song and then out of no where I started to dance. The spotlight turned to me and everyone saw me.

"Damn girl, you got some moves." The DJ said in surprise to me. I blushed of embarrassment. Soul looked at me and smiled. Hours passed and everyone is drunk except me and Tsubaki. We all went home. I made coffee and brought Maka to the bathtub. I put the water on. She shrieked because of the coldness. Then she went out shivering. I did the same thing to Soul and Blaire. But Blaire hissed at me and ran away in her cat form. I gave Soul some coffee. I took Soul to his room. He tried to take off his shirt, I helped him. He unbuckled his belt and I turned around. He hugged me from behind.

"Like I said 'you're to cute to resist'." He nibbled my ear once more and twisted me around. He kissed me passionately. We stopped and panted.

"You have to rest." I said.

"I don't want to." He groaned. I pushed him to his bed. He payed on his side and fell asleep. I went out of his room, locked the entrance door, turned off all the lights and changed into my pjs and went back to Soul's room. I looked at him. He was asleep in his boxers on. I crawled next to him and put the blanket over us. He smelled like alcohol, but that didn't bother me. I felt his arm on my waist and he pulled me closer to him. I sang the lullaby and went to sleep with my drunk boyfriend.

* End of Chapter 12 : We Dance and Have Fun*

A/N: One more chapter guys. And let me know if you like the outfits. You guys are gonna like the next chapter.I think. Well you have to guess.

Vroom Vroom. I'm me cousin's truck. My cousin came to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and I have a big, red tuck in front of my house. It makes me remind of Optimus Prime from Transformers but with no color except red and white.

Under my tongue hurts because of my little brother. I had a plastic fork in my mouth from eating the rice pudding, he hit me with a pillow and the fork stabbed a little bit of my gums and under my tongue. Stupid brother.

Well that all folks. Comment, vote and follow me. And I will write now the next chapter. See ya later.X3

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