The day

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Wish it was my birthday, or my sister birthday, or even a day that was not near this day.I would give all my prizes to have another day.I get up to the sun shining in my eyes. The gold sunlight wants to welcome me but all I see to that is a threat because I will be stuck with that sunlight for a whole day.1 whole day that will be a fact is a nightmare.

Everyone is afraid. No one wants to be chosen for the time.

No one.

Tears roll down my cheek as I pet Toby. He stares at me with curious eyes wanting to know what was going on and why I was afraid. I decided to make my last two wishes. I stop crying and gather ideas careful what I should decide.I wanted to go see Ashley and maybe get some ideas from her. As I get out I think about what I should get. Maybe a canteen of water? No I thought i can find a river. Then a idea came to my head.A survival pack! Perfect for this occasion. I said it aloud and there in my hands was a big backpack that said survival pack.I looked inside water canteen,food,weapons,and more.In awe I grabbed the bag and hugged it and closing my eyes and I said something I have never said before.

Thank you Mr. Albreck
As I opened my eyes I saw Ashley in front of me her eyes are red.Probably from crying all night I thought.

"Hey Kim." Ashley looked more depressed than she was before.The poor girl had no idea I thought.
"Ashley if you have an extra wish wish for a survival pack."

She nodded. I knew she would save a wish to talk to me and ask what she should get.After all we are best friends.Her red hair droop down her face as she looked down and closed her eyes.Then there in front of her was a survival pack.She looked up.When I looked into her eyes I saw something I have never seen. Sparks like a flame grew in her eyes as she grabbed the knife in her hands she gripped then smiled a little. I realized she was beginning to prepare herself for war.

It scared me to see that in her eyes.

Ashley was always an cheerful girl never sad or mad or depressed. Now the past few days I have lost my best friend and a new girl in return came.

I looked around the room thousands of more people are there.All frightened.

I made my last wish there after I saw ashley make her last wish.

I did not no what she wished for until she fell on the floor and I screamed.

She asked to kill herself.

I fell to the floor and slammed into the wall mike came to me try to ask me something I saw her again and then I blacked out.

2 hours later.

I wake up to to the ache in my back. I have have been laying on a cot for who knows many hours.

Logan was siting there watching me.
His eyes widened when he saw me and smiled in relief.
"Whoo! I thought you were dead!"

"Nice to see you to." I replied and rolled my eyes. He smiled but then the smile with joy disappeared into a very sad smile.

"She's dead."

Logan nodded.

Anger came.Anger that grew inside of me. I screamed and ran from the bed not caring were I was going. I turned around and saw Logan chasing me. Like before I could not here anything. A nurse came to me and shoved me to the floor. I flipped over and started chocking her. Revenge began flowing through my arms and then on to my hands. Logan slammed me on the floor and a nurse injected something into my arm and I blacked out again.The last thing I heard. The games are going to be postponed for another two days because of technical difficulties.

But i knew what the technical difficulties was.

It was ashley.

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