Last day

14 1 0

This is may be the last chapter!! Comment for a sequel! Sorry for the mistakes!Follow 00_May_00 and read her books!
Kim's P.O.V.

Once we hugged it all out we began to settle down for sleep and slowly everyone else but me was asleep. I looked at Ashley and wondered if she has a brother or a sister or if she may have a dog or a cat. She looked so peaceful sleeping almost like a baby. She should not have to go through this none of us do. I then  began to look at Logan who was a foot away from me. He was definitely handsome, all the girls loved him. Beautiful blonde hair and deep blue eyes, something most girls love. Thomas has a more stronger jaw and looked older than he is. Another thing girls love.
As I took a deep breath, I smelt something sharp and bitter that made my eyes water. I could not figure it out the smell until suddenly I knew what it was...
And I woke up everyone.

Logan's P.O.V.
I wake up with my heart in my throat. "Wake up everyone else." Kim screamed at me and I smelled the smoke. I stumbled around waking everyone. The reason I was stumbling was partly because of being drowsy and the other part was my eyes were watering so bad. I grabbed the nearest knife and ran out of the cave once everyone was awake.

Kim's P.O.V.

Everything was moving so quickly I barely had much time to grab my weapons much less get out of the cave. I felt a throbbing pain come from my ankle but I pushed through it. Everyone was running with me and that's when we saw the fire. I looked at my sides seeing people fleeing trying to get away some people were fine while others where part of the fire. I covered my mouth and nose and hobbled farther away from the fire. That's when I tripped.

Ashley's P.O.V.
I saw Kimmey trip and went after her. I grabbed her arm and tried to lift her up but she was to heavy. The wild fire began to get closer and closer until it was touching our bodies. She managed to get up but every step was hard for the both of us. The fire twice caught my  hair on fire, and burnt the majority of my back. I just kept going,fighting the fire and the smoke until it became to much for me.My lungs burned for air and from my knowledge about our body, it will shutdown if it does not have air.So that's what happened.

Kim's P.O.V.
My whole body was numb and I could barely control my fingers much less pick myself up and when Ashley fell down that was it. Tears began to trickle down my face as I used all my strength to move my face to look at Ashley. "I'm sorry." She whispered. We began to sob un able to move. Something was different with the smoke, if you touched it, it would create a searing pain all of my back was burning and I knew death would soon be with us. "Ashley,be strong." I said.

Logan's P.O.V.

I ran harder and harder not daring to look back. When we all reached a point where we were far enough from the fire we stopped to make sure everyone was there. "Where is Ashley?" Mike yelled. I looked around and realized Kim was gone. I looked back and saw 2 bodies on the ground. One had brown hair and the other black hair, Kim and Ashley.Logan no more hiding protect the ones you love and the ones you care about. My mind kept telling me that over and over and over.I turned back and ran. "Logan your going to die." I ignored Mikes words and ran even harder. As I was less then 10 feet away a tree fell down and blocked my way. "Well, here goes nothing." I said and scooted back,ran and jumped over it. Once I was there, and I grabbed Kim who was just dead weight and attempted to pick up Ashley. She was to heavy and there was no way I could pick her and Kim up.  When I set Ashley back down, her eyes opened a little. Then she saw Kim on my shoulder and smiled. "Tell her I will miss her, and thanks for everything." Her eyes began to water as tears rolled down. "Goodbye Logan."
And I ran back to Mike leaving her.

Mikes P.O.V.
I looked around and saw maybe about 24 people all running in our direction."We got company." I warned gritting my teeth and clutching my machete even harder."It's a circle, there will be now way of escaping."Scarlett said, and she was right the trees make a complete circle around the few survivors. This is it.

Logan's P.O.V.

When I reached the group I set down Kim and went over to mike.His mouth was clenched as he was standing ready and as I looked around I saw them coming after us. I braced with my spear and looked at Kim."Mike please help me protect her." He nodded and began to run after them and I joined him. A man about 23 ran after me and threw I knife at me. Quickly I ducked and got a little cut on my arm and rammed into him. I quickly aimed to stab at his chest but missed and stabbed his ribs. When I pulled out my knife I felt something snag and pull my knife down. Then I saw something blue, green, and red. There wires.
We are the last survivors.

Mikes P.O.V.

"There fake robots!" Logan screamed. I looked and he was holding a bunch of wires. As I stated deeper into the colors, a body rammed into me. I fell to the ground and it knocked all air I had in my lungs. That's when hands shoved down on my throat. Using my arms i tried to shove her off but she was strong. Soon my arms fell to the ground  and dizziness came to me, and I fell asleep, and it was the best sleep I have had in years.

Logan's P.O.V.

I twisted a little boys head snapping his neck in half. I looked over at Mike and ran towards his attacker. As I rammed into her I stabbed her multiple times until I knew she was I guess you could say dead and crawled over to Mike."Mike get up." I yelled. I shakes him over over until I was pounding his head. "Wake up!" I yelled tears began to fill my eyes. We had been best friends since we were 2. "Please." I whispered. It was to late.
As I picked myself up everything was a blur. I screamed and went on a rampage killing everything in my way. Until every enemy was killed. I fell to my knees threw my weapon and screamed until my throat could not take it.

"Congratulation on winning the games! Please step into the nearest helicopter."
A soothing voice said and just like that we were in helicopters probably going to the nearest hospital.

Kim's P.O.V.

Everything is warm and I have a blanket over me and Logan staring at me. this a dream? "...Logan?" I  whispered. Just like last time he was there waiting for me. That's when memories rushed "Logan where is Ashley." His face was blotchy and he looked down at his feet. My heart dropped to my feet." She's dead isn't she, but if she is dead how am I alive?" Logan face turned a deep red."Well, she was there I picked you up and I tried to pick her up but she was to heavy, she wanted me to leave her there and she said thanks for everything and she will miss you, I'm sorry." Rage, sadness, everything came. "Why did you not save her and then come for me!!! Why did you not try? Drag her if you had to but you leave her! You leave her!!" I was screaming and tears were falling. My heart felt it was ripped slowly a needle into a million of pieces. Logan left,and I cried for about 2 hours...until I knew what I had to do. Logan came later with some food not wanting the nurses to come near me. "Logan I'm sorry. Is Mike and Thomas ok?" He took a deep sigh,"Kim Mike is dead and Thomas, he is in a bad condition." I took in a deep breath trying not to cry. "How are you." I asked still feeling guilty." He looked up at me his blue eyes shining through the held back tears."I'm fine as long as you are." He replied smiling. I took a deep breath and the room fell into a deep silence. But just as Logan was about to leave I asked,
"Will you stay with me?"
He nodded and laid beside me, my head on his chest when I heard him say,

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