Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed and his ears perked up.

Sheepishly, Yoongi said: "I know. We, uh, well, I think the company's starting to go a little lighter now. You know Hoseok, the guy who joined about a year ago? The other rapper?"

Jimin nodded. "He's, uh, in hospital right now. Collapsed during a performance last night," Yoongi said sadly.

Wait...Hobi? Hobi-hyung was in hospital?

"No way..." Jimin said, shocked.

But Yoongi wasn't done there. "The company had been putting a lot of stress on him; threatening to fire him if he was late on another deadline. In a way...I am a bit to blame." Jungkook swore he heard Yoongi's voice crack.

"He was ranting to me about how harsh the boss is and what not and I snapped at him - told him he needed to take his work more seriously if he wanted to be a successful rapper. That was the last thing I said to him. He stormed out then, and I just let him. I was angry, thought I was in the right..."

He paused then, just stroking Jungkook's hair gently, and Jungkook reached a tiny hand up, scrunching a bit of Yoongi's shirt in his palm. Yoongi looked down at him, and Jungkook noticed the man's eyes were very watery, but he wasn't crying.

"It's sad, isn't it, baby? How bad things happen to lovely people," he murmured, cuddling Jungkook close to him.

Jimin rubbed Yoongi's shoulder. "It's not your fault, babe. Bighit should be ashamed of themselves for how they treat their workers," he claimed, a slight growl in his tone.

Yoongi just sighed. "I'm going to the hospital tomorrow to visit him. Try and sort things out," he said.

"I could make some little cookies and cakes for him. We could go in together!" Jimin suggested, eyes lighting up.

Suddenly, Yoongi's face brightened, and he was smiling again. "Yeah, that sounds good. Hobi said he really liked meeting you when we went to his for dinner a few months ago."

"It's because we're both dancers. We just have that chemistry, you know?" Jimin said cheekily.

Yoongi cocked an eyebrow up. "The only men you can have eyes for are me and Kookie, understand?" he said, but even Jungkook could tell he was joking.

"Well, if you made me pick between you and Kookie, the answer would be Kookie every time," Jimin stated, swiping Jungkook out of Yoongi's arms, lying down with the baby on his chest.

Jungkook huffed, trying to push himself up from Jimin's chest but failing miserably. He only managed to squirm, but Jimin just wrapped an arm around his body, easily trapping him.

"Is there anything I can help with, love?" Yoongi asked, smiling at his two favourite boys.

Jimin shook his head, closing his eyes. "Nah, I've got it covered," he said.

But Yoongi felt bad. He'd been out all day and Jimin had done all the housework, and had also taken care of their more-than-often grumpy baby most of the day.

"Are you sure, baby? Need me to clean something up? Set the table?" he asked.

Jimin groaned, but it was all in good humour. "If you really want to help, you can change Mr Jungkook's diaper here. And trust me, there is a lot to clean up," he teased, patting Jungkook's bottom.

Jungkook's eyes widened. Nope. Anything but this. Anything.

Yoongi backtracked. "You know what, I've just realised that I need to call Namjoon about something," he said, getting up, but Jimin called him back.

The TransformationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora