Chapter 10 The Aftermath Part 1 (Edited)

Start from the beginning

I opened the door and both Mom and Dad were home watching TV, They saw us and Mom was glad to see us so she walked over to the door happily.

" You guys came home early! Aurora? Why do you seem upset?" Mom asked me worriedly. Dad came over and I suddenly hugged Mom weeping.

"Because a guy started attacking our sister at the party," said Josh loudly, still angry about what happened recently.

"What? what guy!" said Dad with an angry tone.

"What happened? who attacked you Aurora!" said Mom while holding me tightly.

"No, he didn't attack me! I just slipped on the floor." I said and I couldn't take it and ran up to my room and shut the door behind me. I ran to my bed and started to shout at my pillow.

"All of you, in the kitchen now. I need more information." I heard mom said to my brothers and dad.

I heard my door open and I saw Nick. "What is going on downstairs? "

"It's nothing." i said while sitting down and starting to grab my penguin stuffed toy and hugged it tightly.

Nick came inside my room and closed the door behind him, he sat on my bed and gave me a funny look which made me laugh. He took a tissue from my dresser and gave it to me.

"What happen tonight, Auri?"

"Our brothers almost fought with Ryder Again!" I said while wiping away my tears.

"Ryder? Oh, you mean the one from school? Your friend Ryder? Well, why were they fighting with him? Another misunderstanding?"  Nick asked me.

"Yeah, maybe, Alex almost beat him up," I explained

" Why?"

I then told him everything that happened when i was at the party from me getting lost and what happened when were playing the game. Nick has always been the calm brother and he understood that it was a misunderstanding.

" I am surprised that you're taking this so well, Alex and Josh practically screamed at me at the party, I am so embarrassed," I said while I shoved my face into the penguin stuffed toy.

" Auri, please don't, you know how protective our brothers are, even me. You know this for 15- 16 years already. Plus if you want to know something.... " I looked at Nick as he paused.

" they kinda.... Well, we kind of thought that we didn't have to worry about you having a boyfriend for a very long time Auri" Nick explained.

" I think they were just shocked that..." Nick continued

" That no one would be interested in me?" I asked.

" No, I mean yes, I mean.... Auri, you need to understand, that we always had to take care of you because we always see you as our baby sister. We need to protect you, mom always said that we need to look out for each other. To us, we see all guys that ever try to ask you out have bad intentions. Cause you know... we are guys ourselves. That is why Alex and Josh were acting like that because they love you and protect you from jerks." Said nick

" Firstly, Ryder isn't a jerk. Secondly, he is not my boyfriend" I defend.

" I know, ever since he tried to comfort you that day when you were sent to the principal's office. I knew he was a good guy. But to both Josh and Alex, he is a threat and they need a lot of convincing. For me, I know I can never stop you from falling in love, no one can. All I asked is that guy is worthy enough to take care of and love this little sister we love so much." he chuckled while hugging me. Or else he will feel the wrath of the Rossi brothers. He said in a weird and funny voice.

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