24. The Power Couple.

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Magnus was enjoying one of his favorite Indonesian dishes, Ayam Bakar Taliwang, chewing on the juicy chicken while listening to his husband's rambling about his newfound powers. He didn't want to show that he's losing interest now, as the winged nephilim was continuously rambling about it for over an hour, so he pretended that he was listening because he didn't want to upset his husband, who was sounding way too excited. He was replying with whatever came into his mind first when a few balls of paper napkins hit his face.

"Ow! Alexander, what was that!?"

"Were you even listening to what I was saying?"

Magnus gulped, he actually wasn't. He stopped listening to him about twenty to twenty-five minutes ago and was simply enjoying his food. "Yes, I was." He lied, trying to sound as confident as possible.

"Then what was I saying?"

Magnus gulped yet again. He had heard him saying something about Catarina so he tried to come up with whatever fits the situation.

"Uh... Umm.. you were saying how Catarina had helped you in becoming an immortal."

Alec gave him a cold glare and Magnus lowered his eyes, realizing that he got it wrong and was now caught as well. He didn't like the look his husband was giving him.

"I was telling you how I accidentally hurt Catarina with my magic and you said 'wow' on it. Really, Magnus! Were you even listening to me at all? Or was I just talking to myself this whole time?"

Magnus looked at his husband apologetically. "I did listen to you, Alexander. But, you were talking about the same thing for over an hour that I lost interest in the topic. I just didn't mean to upset you so I...." He trailed off, unable to complete the sentence.

"Topic!" Alec sighed and rubbed his temples. "Leave it!" He said flatly and silently got back to eating his food.

Magnus mentally cursed himself, he didn't know what was going on with him, why was he like this since morning. He reached out to grab his husband's arms but Alec shoved it away.

"Alexander, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it as it sounded. I.. I keep ruining our anniversary again and again. I'm sorry." He said while playing with the food on his plate.

Alec noticed that and sighed. He reached for his warlock's hand and held it gently. "It's okay, love. And I'm sorry too, I overreacted. I got way too excited that I presumed you would be interested in hearing about it."

"Alexander, don't say that. I am curious to know more about your powers, it's just that, my mind is not getting stable. I haven't been feeling well since this morning, and I really think it's something other than about the dream or Camille. I'm sorry, Alexander. I really didn't mean to ruin your mood or hurt you but I still keep doing it." He said, the guilt in his voice was clearly visible.

Alec took the warlock's hand, brought it near his lips, and pecked the back of his hand tenderly. "Don't feel guilty, love. Do you want to go back home? We can take the remaining food back home and eat on the couch or bed if you want while watching any of your favorite movies."

"Please!?" He tried his best not to sound desperate but failed completely.

Alec let out a deep breath and shook his head. "Why haven't you said anything before, Magnus? You keep pretending that you're enjoying it here when you're not."

"I am enjoying it here, Alexander. It's just that.."

"You didn't want to make me upset, right?"

Magnus sighed and nodded. He knew he couldn't win from his husband over this.

"Angels! Magnus! You're impossible." He leaned over and pecked him softly on the lips.

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