3. Certain and Uncertain

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After finishing the shower, Alec walked into their bedroom while drying his wet hairs, filling it with the aroma of Indian sandalwood shampoo. Tiny droplets trailed behind him as he walked towards the bed where his clothes were kept. He was about to grab his boxers when his phone buzzed, flashing the new message on his screen. He picked it up and sighed when he read the message.

Meeting at the Clave's conference hall from 12:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Be there on time.
- Jia Penhallow

As he was about to throw it on the bed, his eyes went towards the calendar app. With a light smile, he opened it, highlighted the day of their anniversary then created a to-do list about his plan. Keeping the phone back on the bed, he grabbed his clothes then went into his walk-in closet to change it with something more formal.


Magnus was preparing pancakes and waffles alongside caramel and chocolate syrup, but he was zoning out now and then, his mind lost in some deep thoughts when a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist, startling him and the spatula he was holding fell on the floor.

"Hey, you all right?" Alec asked as he picked up a  spatula and handed it to Magnus.

"Yes, I was just..... thinking something," Magnus reassured as he forced a smile then went back to cooking.

Alec scanned his husband's features as he went back to cooking then exhaled a deep breath. 'I know what you're thinking Mags!' He thought. Leaning in, he planted a soft peck on his husband's temple.

A soft smile formed on Magnus's lips when Alec pecked his temple. Tilting his head, he pouted earning a chuckle from Alec.

"You're impossible!" Alec stated then kissed his husband's pouting lips. 

"What's with your outfit?" Magnus asked when he noticed that he wasn't in his regular shadowhunter outfit.

"Oh! Jia messaged me. There's a meeting with the Council members so this look!"

"Meeting about what?"

"No idea! I'll get to know you after reaching there. I Will let you know at dinner tonight."

"I hope it's not about the new accords, those are stupid, those will create a rift between all the downworlders!"

"I hope it's not! That will ruin my whole mood!"

"Hmm... here!" Magnus handed him his breakfast, a pancake with caramel and chocolate syrup, some diced fruits, and a glass of Orange juice served beautifully on a plate.

"Thanks," Alec said while taking a mouthful of his pancake.

Magnus sets his own in front of him, and they eat in silence.

When they were done, Alec stood up, grabbed their dishes, and arranged them in the dishwasher. "Hey, Mags! I might get a little late today!" He said while cleaning his hands.

A frown appeared on Magnus's forehead. "Late!? Are you going for patrolling as well?"

"No, I have a meeting fixed in the evening, it's important, sorry, I forgot to tell you about it."

"It's alright, just don't miss the dinner, please!"

"I won't, I promise." He said then leaned in and kisses him softly. "Bye, Mags! I'll see you at dinner. I love you!"

"I love you too." Magnus watched as Alec left the house then exhaled a deep breath. Tears formed in the back of his eyes as he gazed at the door longingly.

"Why do you love me so much, Alexander!? Why are you making it tough for me day by day? Whenever I decide to speak, you do something which makes me back off. I can't keep it longer inside my heart. I have to tell you, damn it! I need to tell you! Tonight at dinner I'm going to say it, no matter what I'll do it today." His voice echoed the whole house as a few teardrops fell on his face.


When Alec walked out of their apartment, he grabbed his phone, searched his contact list for Catarina Loss, then typed a message and hit send.

Hey, Cat! It's Alec, can you meet me today at 5:30, please? It's important.
- Alec

The reply was instant.

Yes, sure, but is everything okay? Is Magnus okay?
- Catarina

Yes, he's completely fine, it's something else, and don't tell Magnus I'm meeting you.

Okay, but you're sounding suspicious Alec Lightwood Bane, what is it?
- Catarina

Can we discuss this when we meet, please?

Okay, Alec. Bye.
- Catarina


Alec was relieved that Catarina agreed to meet him. 'I hope she can help me'  he thought then left for the gard.


To his delight, the meeting was about assigning Shadowhunters their new posts around the globe and discussing the accords for the Crimes of Shadow and Downworld.

It was almost 4:30 when the meeting got over, and as he had no other work left, texted Catarina. 

Hi, Cat! Is it okay if we meet at your place?

Yes, Sure.
- Catarina

Thanks, will be there at 5:30


Magnus was pacing in the living room, waiting for his husband to arrive. A deep frown was visible on his forehead as he kept fidgeting with the wedding band. He was contemplating how to tell Alec what's going on in his mind. 

'But what if he comes in all good mood, kisses me, cuddles me, say all sweet things he always does, and I'll melt again.' He thought. 

"No, No! I've planned this dinner so that I can talk to him, I can't lose my courage again, the more I'll delay it, the more I'll hurt both of us. I have to do it." His words echoed in the whole house before vanishing into thin air.

Glancing up at the wall clock, he noticed that it was almost 5:30, and they had planned their dinner at 7:00. Taking a deep breath he left for the kitchen to start preparing the dinner.


Alec was at his office, doing paperwork when his eyes fell on the huge wall clock hung in front of him and noticed that it was almost 5:30.

"Damn it! I need to get going else I'll get late." He quickly completed the paperwork, organized his desk then left for Catarina's house.


It's a short chapter, but I hope you guys like it, please let me know through your comments and votes.
Thank you

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