[26] Mischief Loves Company

Start from the beginning

Atty sees me collecting the various items I've scattered around the room and smiles (tries to, at least). "That's good," he says, "we need to leave now if I have any shot of making it back in decent time."

Making it back? I freeze in my tracks, slowly turning to face him. "What're you talking about? You're only 20 minutes away."

"Yeah but I'm going to drop you off and come back."

If Atty wasn't making such a serious face, I'd think for sure he's messing with me. Holy crap, he's finally lost it. He's going to drive 6 hours minimum for no reason? That's peak insanity.

Despite my best efforts, a laugh escapes from my lips. "Have you gone senile, gramps?"

Now Atty just looks confused. Oh boy.

I stroll right up to him, stopping only a foot away. I clear my throat and clarify, "you're going to take your time and drink some of your gross OJ, eat a bagel or two, then drive to HQ. I'm going to shower, pack up, load my bags with snacks, and catch one of those fancy coach buses."

Atty firmly shakes his head, "no way. I'm not just going to abandon you like this, I gotta get you home. Otherwise it's just... it's just plain rude!"

Jeez, such chivalry. Makes me feel almost bad for trying to ditch him at Arcadia- almost.

"Thanks for the concern, but I'm a big kid. I'll be fine." I sidestep around Atty to get behind him and place both hands on his back, nudging him towards the door. "Now, go get yourself some breakfast- and pick something up for me too."

He grabs onto the door frame from each side as I try to hustle him through, refusing to budge. Wow, when he's actually trying to resist, I can't even move him an inch. I really don't want to think about how attractive I find it right now, because I need to get this dummy moving.

Atty stays firm in the doorway despite me pushing with all my weight, it's only when I pause for a break that he takes the opportunity to turn around so that we're face to face.

"Jade," he says, "if I'm going to even consider letting you go alone, it'll be under the condition that you take the car."

Let me? I cross my arms, scrunching my nose. "You're not the boss of me Atticus."

"I know that, and you know I know that. And, you know what I mean. Please take the car, there'll be no point of me going to work if I know you're getting bumped around in a coach bus."

I raise an eyebrow, not completely catching on.

"I'll be too distracted," he mumbles, trying to shuffle back into the room.

"Okay, I'll take the car," I relent, holding my hands out in front of me. "Will you go get breakfast now?"

Atty grins as he strolls away without another word. Once he's gone, I jump into the shower. It's going to be a long drive.


Apparently, during my drive I received a couple of texts. Since I was busy jamming to my perfect and amazing playlist, I didn't notice. I park on the Martins' driveway and scroll through my notifications.

When I see the few texts from Atty, 7, 3, and 2 hours ago, I can't help but break out into a smile.

The first one reads, 'drive safe and don't take any side trips'

Then 4 hours later, 'Colette says you're not home yet, got distracted, didn't you? -__-' (He's right, I visited the Cake Museum again).

And then an hour later, 'let me know when you're there'

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