Comincia dall'inizio

Yen Sid: that is why we must gather our allies. Fortunately, Chip and Dale are currently analyzing the data that Ansem the Wise provided to Riku, and which could offer us a clue to retrieving our friends' lost hearts.

Clara: (materializes) if you allow me, I'd like to look at the data to help.

Everyone but Yen Sid and Arc: GAH!

Arcturus: relax guys. This is Clara, my A.I.

Clara: (smiles) pleasure to meet you all.

Sora: (relaxes and smiles) you too. So, can you really see the data?

Clara: if you allow me too.

Yen Sid: very well. I will have Chip and Dale send you the data to analyze. (Beat) I have very high hopes for this data. However, our greatest chance of stopping Xehanort's plan still lies with you, Sora. If you trust the guidance your heart gives, I know we will find all of the guardians of light. But first, you must regain all the strength you have lost. Perhaps it is foolish to expect a complete recovery, but it is absolutely vital you perfect one power--the power of waking, which you failed to master during your exam. There's someone who lost his strength and found it again, a true hero to whom you ought to pay a visit. (Sora smiles in excitement and performs two flexing poses, confusing Goofy and annoying Donald. Sora chuckles) Perhaps he can point you in the right direction.

Sora: (salutes) got it.

Donald: Master Yen Sid...

Goofy: you can count on us to take care of Sora.

Arcturus: and I'll help them along the way.

Yen Sid: I would have it no other way. I put them in your hands, Arcturus.

Sora: (laughs and huddles Donald and Goofy together) Donald! Goofy!

Donald: you can't become a master without us!

Sora: huh?

Goofy: I never woulda thought you'd fail that exam, Sora.

Sora: hey!

Arcturus's Thoughts: (chuckles) this definitely feels weird meeting them again. But, I'm glad to see they're the same as before.

Donald: face it, you're just a half-pint.

Goofy: but the four of us together make a whole pint!

Donald: and don't forget, we'll keep an eye on you. (Holds out his hand)

Goofy: oh, this is gonna be lots of fun! (Places his hand on Donald's)

Sora: it's not a vacation. (Smiles and places his hand on theirs)(turns to Arc and Clara) c'mon, you two.

Arcturus: (places his hand) looks like we're a team.

Clara: (places her hand) in that case, let's go save the universe.

Sora: yeah!


Rather than the Gummi Ship, the team was on the FireFly. The trio looked amazed to see the large ship as they looked around the control room. Sora and Donald wanted to fly it, but Arc and Clara convinced them giving them an over complicated reason on what they shouldn't.

Sora: woah, this is so cool! So, you're really from the future?

Arcturus: kinda. My world exists in every time. You just need the right coordinates to get there.

Goofy: so, would you technically be from this time?

Arcturus: not exactly. To you guys, I'm from the future. To others, it kinda depends on what time they're from.

Donald: I don't get it.

Arcturus: I know, it's confusing. But anyways, where too?

Donald: what? I thought you knew!

Goofy: (looks out the window) looks like all the old highways are closed. Didn't Master Yen Sid say that Sora should trust the guidance his heart gives?

Donald: c'mon, Sora. Which way?

Sora: ummm...

Donald: (angered) hey, would you get serious!?

Sora: gimme a break, I'm trying. These things take time.

Arcturus: (turns to Goofy) is it usually like this?

Goofy: more or less. (Thinks of something) we'll, since we've already been before, why don't you try picturing our friends like we're there?

Clara: that's not a bad idea. When Arc needed to help his friends a little while back, he did a similar thing to get to their world.

Arcturus: (looks at space) "May your heart be your guiding key."

Sora: huh? What's that?

Arcturus: it's a saying that Keyblade wielders use to say before the war. My mentors told that to me when I would get lost and that I needed to find my way to the worlds. Give it a try.

Sora: May my heart be my guiding key. (Stands up in realization) I got it!

He summons his Keyblade, Kingdom Key, and points it towards space in front of the ship. A light shines from the tip and a portal opens.

Donald and Goofy: a gate!

Clara: (checks the panel) we got coordinates.

Sora: all right! Olympus Coliseum, here we come!

Arcturus: (rapidly presses controls) alright everyone. In case of an emergency, the exits are the main door, black door, and man hole door located in the trash compactor. Now, keep your hands and feet in your seat at all times. (Pulls a leaver and the ship takes off) BANZI!!!!!

The thrusters increased and the ship went through the gateway to their destination, beginning the start of another adventure.

Author's note: the journey begins.
This story will take a bit longer to write because I'm gonna be looking at some of the cutscenes from the game to build this story.
A new character has been introduced; Laura. She'll be an important person for both Eraqus and Xehanort.
Arc joins the party. So, at this point in time, they're meeting Arc for the first time. The versions Arc met are from a different point in time. It'll be further explained later on.
My plan is to have the story play out on the original worlds like in the game, but when we get to the extra worlds, things will go down another path.

Next chapter: zero to hero

Kingdom Hearts 3: Dragon War (KH OC Story) [OLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora