Tumblr Prompt #1

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prompt: You live in a world where everyone experiences phantom pains from how they will die. These pains will go from barely noticeable to whatever degree they would be under the circumstances of one's death the closer they get to it. Of course, the pain varies for everyone. Someone who dies from a gunshot wound won't feel the same pain as someone who dies from an infection. But you? You've never felt this 'phantom pain', and you're starting to wonder if you ever will. -tumblr, @writing-prompt-s
summary: There's something wrong with her, her father says. She's never keeled over in pain or even winced at an odd moment. She's never felt the pains everyone else does, and she wonders if she ever will. That's when she meets him, who has also never felt them.
universe: modern!AU, BotW Zelda + Link
date: feburary 1, 2020
notes: sorry for the long wait, I really lost my muse until I saw this post. I also updated this book so it's not exclusively definition prompts anymore, I now accept both tumblr prompts and suggestions from you guys! If there's another type of prompt you'd like me to do, I can add it! :)
Also, ZeLink's like 20-22 in this.

Zelda has always been an odd child.

She remembers the other kids in elementary, who would skip school because of their 'phantom pains'. She knows at least half of the time they were lying, because none of them were close enough to dying to have pain that bad. The exception was a boy in third grade, who was hit by a drunk driver on his way home from school. He had complained of intense pain throughout his entire body starting a few weeks before the incident, and no one believed him. His parents were inconsolable.

Zelda thought it was sad, but didn't feel the fear everyone else did. After all, she's never had these pains before. Her father originally laughed it off, claiming that she was too far away from her death to even feel the pains— she would live such a long life! It was a great thing, until she reached her senior year of college without ever feeling a single one of these pains everyone else did. She graduated with her degree and moved to a rather isolated area to research.

There was something wrong with her, they would say. Never feeling any pain? She must be a monster, a demon. Inhuman.

And she started to believe them.

Never having any phantom pains was undocumented all throughout history. No one else had ever posted something on the Internet about it. As far as Zelda knew, she was a one of a kind. She moved to a remote place for a reason (aside from the absolutely incredible research opportunities!).

Zelda shifted her attention from the window and sighed, snapping out of her reverie. Her phone was ringing.


"Zelda, dear, hello! How are you?"

"Ah, Papa. I'm doing well, how are you?" She fought to keep the suspicion out of her voice. Her father never called her unless he wanted something.

"That's good to hear. Listen—" There it was, she thought bitterly. "—I sent a bodyguard over to protect you. Someone's been threatening me, and I'm afraid they'll take you, or worse."

It made sense, she guessed. Her father was the CEO of a huge company, so death threats weren't really out of the question. But why would they go after her? The last the news heard of her, she graduated from college with high marks in every one of her classes, and moved away. No one except her father, Urbosa, and Impa knew where.

She snapped back to reality when he continued. "And for Hylia's sake, please don't mention anything about phantom pains. Last thing we need is your guard leaving you because he thinks you're a fr—"

beep. beep. beep.

Zelda hung up.


read it and weep; ZELINK ONESHOTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon