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prompt: "a goofy little hat"
universe: Wind Waker
date: april 22, 2020
notes: sorry for taking so long to update :/


Said boy whipped around, wide eyes landing upon his pirate companion. Unlike usual, her face did not bear a confident smirk, but rather a slight frown and furrowed eyebrows. He blinked. Was she confused? About what?

"Why do you always wear that stupid hat?" She gestured vaguely to the aforementioned hat, flapping wildly in the winds that usually accompanied their voyages. Link was rather affronted, to say the least.

"I— stupid?! I'll have you know that my grandmother gave me this hat."

"Oh, so it's even dumber than I thought." Ah, there it was. The smirk.

"Not as dumb as your face!" He stuck his tongue out at her.

She scoffed. "If my face is dumb, then your face is brain-dead! Just like that grandmother of yours for giving you that hat!"

Link spluttered indignantly, though he was having fun. He enjoyed their little banters. "One of my friends is brain-dead!"

Tetra narrowed her eyes, wary of his response. "Oh? Who?"

Link smirked just as she had earlier. "Well, her name is Tetra— ow!" He cradled the arm she had hit in mock-hurt.

"Whatever." She snatched his hat away from his head, and before he could grab it back, she put it on her own head. He blinked, processing the image in front of him, before erupting into a bright red blush.

She was cute.

Of course, Link had known she was cute before, even harboring a small crush on her, but this was way too much for him to handle.

So, when Tetra leaned forward and slyly pecked him on his cheek? Well, it was nobody's business but his if he fainted or not.

(Spoiler alert: he did)

read it and weep; ZELINK ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now