Chapter 23

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I frowned as I stood in front of the locked room. When I had asked Benjamin why it was locked, he stayed very vague and then said - after I pressured him to - that it was personal and that I was not to try and go in there. But I was curious and tiny bit upset that he wouldn't confide in me. He left straight after, saying he had things to do and that he wouldn't be home until tonight. Which meant I had a whole day to investigate.

I peaked into the keyhole and I gasped at the sight of a piano. I rushed to Benjamin's office, and looked around, trying to figure out where he would hide the key. I looked in his desk draws, then looked for a safe but there was nothing. I sighed, glancing at the picture. The man must be the deceased alpha. I picked the picture up and smiled - they looked so happy. Benjamin had never smiled or laughed like that with me. I wasn't jealous, just sad. He had a life before he even met me. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm suppose to do or be. I went to put it back but frowned as I heard something jingle inside. I opened the frame and snorted as I found a key.

"Good hiding spot." I mumbled, putting the picture frame back where it was. I grinned excitedly and rushed to the locked room. I unlocked the door impatiently and gasped as I entered it. The room was quite big and it had piles of music books and music sheets on the floor. In the middle of the room stood a beautiful white grand piano. I closed the door and approached it. I had played piano when I was a child - my brother had a friend who had a piano in their house and even though our parents wouldn't allow us to go to someone's house, we would go there secretly. When my parents took me out of school, his friend taught me the piano for two entire years.

I played one note and squeaked excitedly. Why would Benjamin hide this? I bit my lip and started looking at all the sheets and books piled up on the floor. They were put in order so I tried not to mess it up.

"Bach. Prelude in C major." I mumbled, placing it on the piano and going to the first page. I still remembered quite a bit of piano, it's one of the few things I truly remember quite well. My brother had wanted me to study music, said I was really good at it. My parents found out and told me to never go there again and I listened.

I bit my lip as I read the first bar. "I'm doing it all wrong." I muttered, huffing. I hummed, looking down at my fingers.

"This shouldn't be hard, I've played it before." I muttered to myself, taking a deep breath and starting again. I smiled as it started to sound like something. I played for about three hours before I stopped to eat. I made sure to lock the door and I kept the key hidden in the opaque vase he had on the shelf, up top - he never touches it. I grabbed the book I was still trying to read and understand.

I made myself a sandwich then sat down at the table, my book, a pen and a sheet of paper lying beside me. I wanted to improve my reading and writing. I wasn't going to ask Benjamin or Lily and I had no one else.

I opened the book to the first page and started rewriting a few phrases. I grimaced at my awful and child like handwriting. I continued writing the same phrases until it about ressembled to the writing in the book. After I had written and rewritten the first chapter, I decided to look for the meaning of the words I didn't understand in a dictionary I found in Ben's office and wrote them down. Once I was done with that, I was knackered and decided to take a nap on the settee - not before eating a fruit.

"August." I heard Benjamin's voice whisper in my ear. I hummed tiredly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as soon as he picked me up in his arms.

"What did you do today?" He asked me softly as he laid me down on the bed.

"I read." I mumbled, letting him take my clothes off.

"Is that what's laying on the side near the couch?"

I nodded, glancing at him. His eyebrows were furrowed as he stared into space. "Aren't you coming to bed?"

He smiled, kissing my lips. "I am." He answered, taking his clothes off and slipping into the covers. I snuggled into his arms, exhaling deeply.

"Sleep well." He whispered, kissing my cheek.

"You too." I replied, smiling happily.

I whined when Benjamin started shaking me.

"I made breakfast." He whispered, peppering me with kisses. I giggled, opening my eyes. He pulled away, smiled.

"Breakfast in bed?" I wondered, looking at the tray he put down on my lap.

"Yes. I've decided to try and take a bit more care of you. I've been lacking in that department recently, and that shouldn't be. I'm not perfect, but I'm getting there." He explained.

I smiled. "Well I know you have a lot to do between being Alpha and the pack doctor." I muttered. "But I'm still grateful for this. Thank you, Benjamin."

"How's the toast and milk?" He asked. I grinned and started eating, giving him the thumbs up. He chuckled.

"I won't be able to make it, lunch time, but I'll try and be back to cook dinner." He said, getting up.

"Are you leaving now?" I asked.

"Soon." He answered, pulling his pajama top off. He then pulled his pajama bottoms down and I gasped as I realised he hadn't worn any underwear underneath. He smirked, glancing at me.

"I was hoping you'd be in the mood for some love making this morning." He mumbled, crawling his way up to me. I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"What can I say? You never quite leave me satiated."

He huffed with a grin. "Let's see then, shall we?" He smirked, pulling my boxers down.

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