I walked to the opening and saw 4 big bushes of wild blue berry's. I started to pick as many as I can. I popped 2 more in my mouth and nice and juicy. The way they should be. This is going to be a great pie for tonight. I heard something behind me. I looked around and I didn't see nothing. I picked a few more when I heard another noise. I looked down at my pail and saw I had over half way full. I started to walk away when I saw a tall man standing there with gun pointed at me. I looked and saw he had his face covered up with a bandanna around his face. 

"Sir if this is your land I'm---" He cut me off by shooting his gun next to me. I dropped the pail and took off running. I was holding up my dress so I can run faster, but when I heard him running after me I knew I had to hurry up and try to get back to my house. Or if I can hide. 

I stopped for a second so I can catch my breath when I looked behind me and saw him standing there with his gun pointed right at me again. I took off running but I only got about 2 steps when I felt a blow to the back of my head. Next thing I knew I was blacked out and laying on the ground. 


Luci's Pov  

My husband and I just got to the train station here in Maddox Town. It's only 10 miles from our small town. The only thing this town as going for them is the train station. I looked at my husband of 18 years and smiled up at him. He wrapped his arm around me so he can pull me closer. 18 years of marriage, 6 breath taking children together. I couldn't be more happier then I am right now. I'm going to see my best friend. What more could I want? I looked around for Meadow but she's not here yet. Brantley looked down at me. 

"What's goin on in that head of yours woman?" Brantley asked me. You would think of 18 years of being together he would learn better English then what he does, but he's all country and all mountain man so it don't matter to me. I love the way he talks. 

"Nothing love." I told him. Brantley gave me a small squeeze. 

"The children is fine. Mrs. Cobb is fine. We are fine. There's nothing you should be think of woman." Brantley told me. I better just tell him how I feel. 

"Brantley, what if Lydia is right?" I asked him. Brantley smiled at me. 

"What are you talkin about now woman?" Brantley asked me. Maybe I shouldn't think too much on this, I just want her to be happy. 

"Lydia thinks she can never find a husband and what if she is right? I mean she is 18 and she has never went out on a date before." I told him. Brantley smiled at me. 

"You women all think if you don't bore children by the time you are 18 you are all going to be old maids. Lydia will find the perfect husband when she wants too." Brantley told me. I looked up at him. 

"She's been ready since she was 16 to be a good wife. I made sure she was ready. This is the only place where no one knows about her and about me and I don't want her to---" Brantley cut me off. 

"Woman you need to calm down about this. Lydia is 18 years old. She will find a husband. Plus I'm not sure if any man wants to be married to her." Brantley said to me. I looked up at him. 

"What do you mean by that Brantley?" I asked him. I'm starting to get mad and once I'm there watch out. 

"I love her and she is my daughter, but---" I cut Brantley off. 

"But what Gilbert." I asked him. 

"Okay don't be mad at me, but I've been trying to find a good man for her. But they never stay long enough to meet her. I tell them about her and how good of a cook she is, but the second I show them a picture of her, they all change their minds." Brantley said to me. 

The will of the Gilbert's (An Brantley Gilbert Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now