Chapter 32: Karma Is a Bitch

Start from the beginning

Tzuyu explained everything as we passed by and some of them was pretty interesting. Hanbin wasn't paying much attention and I was confused because he was so excited last night.

I looked over at him, "Are you ok?" he looked at me and nodded. "Then why aren't you excited like you were last night?"

He sighed, "Because this isn't what I want to see. I want to see the famous shit, not this boring shit," I chuckled as he stared at me, "I'm serious," he looked around for a moment until he looked back at me, "Let's ditch the group and go look around ourselves,"
I stared at him, "Seriously?" I looked over at Tzuyu as she was talking about something and she wasn't paying attention. I looked back and seen Eunwoo wasn't nowhere around us. I looked back at Hanbin then nodded and he smiled then grabbed my hand and pulled me off somewhere.

We looked around until we found this painting and Hanbin stopped in front of it. I stared at him, "Is this what you wanted to see?" I stared at the painting and immediately knew that it was The Scream that he was talking about the other day.

He nodded, "Yes, I love this painting," he stared at it and I watched in amazement as he was so intrigued by it.

After a minute, we heard someone behind us, "What are you doing?" we both turned around to see Eunwoo standing there looking at us.

Hanbin pointed at the painting, "We're looking at art,"
"Why aren't you with the rest of the class?"

Hanbin chuckled, "You aren't our teacher," he stared at him. "Should that be Miss Chou's concern?"

Eunwoo didn't say anything else as he walked off and left us laughing. We didn't stay there though because no doubt that he's probably going to tell Miss Chou about our disappearance.

We walked through the different rooms until we found our class. Eunwoo wasn't nowhere in sight, so we slipped in and got behind everyone as Miss Chou was explaining something.

She never knew that we left as she was walking us around and talking about the different art. I tried to act like I was interested but I wasn't because all I could focus on was Tzuyu.

I stared at her as she was talking about something and I really just wanted to run to her. I wanted to feel her touch so bad that my heart ached for her. It was hard not being able to do that in public but I knew that we had until I graduated and we could finally be together for real without any problems.

I couldn't wait for that day because I honestly just wanted to be with her, and it was killing me to know that we couldn't really be together until she was no longer my teacher.

Don't get me wrong, I love the little moments that I do get to spend with her, but I would like to go out in public with her and show her off, because honestly, I want everyone to know that she belongs to me.

As I was staring at her, I couldn't help but think about Eunwoo and how stupid he is. He's ruining her life because he knows what would happen if he finds out about us and gets the police involved, and I don't understand why he wants to do that. They're divorced, is that why? Because they're no longer together? I'm pretty sure the reason for their divorce is because he abuses her, and that's his fault.

If only the police could see Eunwoo abusing her, then he would be put in jail and would be out of the picture for good. I'm not sure if Miss Chou wants to go to the police, because after all this time of him abusing her, why hasn't she? It's clear that she's afraid of what he might do if she turns him in, but he'll be put in jail, so he can't hurt her anymore.

But, if she won't do it, then I would have to find a way. But how?

As I'm standing there with my class, ignoring everything Miss Chou was saying, an idea pops into my head and I immediately knew that I could get away with this.

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