"don't do this. don't pretend to be apologetic when you're not. it's obvious you're not, park. i've known you, what? 6 months? in that time, i haven't heard you apologize once, or even feel bad about anything. you're a ruthless, stone cold piece of shit who abandoned his team-mates... his friends for a pyschopath that was trying to KILL US! do you know how that makes you look? do you know how fucking upset i am? you've taken away the person i care about most over your petty crush on a guy who really belongs in a mental institute. park! what you did was unforgiveable. and i'm not easy like mark. he's a greenie, and lowkey wants to kiss you... so sure, he may have forgiven you, but i won't. understand that now, and stop trying to be all sappy and nice. you're not,"

it was weird, how park seemed to snap out of the state mark had seen him grow into that evening. it was obvious, when he switched straight back to the persona he had been playing ever since mark had arrived, that had only changed after.... the kiss.

"if you want me to be like that. i'll be like that." he said, with that same empty stare that mark had grown to know well, even over the course of a week. he was park again. the attempts to become jinyoung were once again forgotten. and whilst mark had agreed with everything bambam had said, he wished the boy hadn't voiced it. the progress he had made with park was unravelling right in front of him, as the two men in front of him stared each other down.

bambam shrugged, "just be yourself. be your same, evil lunatic self,"

park bristled, his shoulders widening, "don't speak to me like that bambam."

"or what?"

"i won't help yugyeom get out of prison." he paused, "he'll rot there, i'll make sure of it."

silence fell, leaving mark to chuckle awkwardly, in a desperate attempt to release some of the tension that had flooded the room, "that was... that was a joke right?"

bambam collpased further into his arms, the shouting match obviously starting to take it's toll on his weak body. as he did, park shrugged, and whilst it was just a slight movement of the shoulders, it held a deeper meaning. it looked like park was planning on going against his word, it looked like park was ready to side with jaebeom again.

mark shook his hands, at once grabbing bambam's attention, just what he wanted. and as the silence in the room grew, he slowly and subtely signed to bambam about the situation.

park really was going to help yugyeom. we were talking for hours. if you take back what you said, maybe he still will.

bambam looked up at him with wide eyes and nodded, almost immediately saying, "i'm sorry for snapping. i didn't mean it. will you please help us help yugyeom?"
whilst what he had said sounded forced and entirely unnatural, it seemed to be enough for park, who nodded and grunted, "okay."

mark wished it would be that easy, but he was sure that park would need a lot more convincing as time progressed and the police started to call them in for statements.

with the conversation about yugyeom drawn to a close, the three boys stared at each other awkwardly, until eventually mark spoke up, "hey bambam? why are you not at the hospital still? you look bad?"

this was greeted by a dry laugh from bambam, "it's too expensive, if i stayed overnight i'd never be able to pay it off. jackson's staying though, apparently his head injury was pretty serious, we're gonna have to team up to pay his bills,"

park nodded, but mark could only shiver and look down at the floor. he hastily dropped bambam as carefully as he could onto his mattress as he felt his own arms start to shake. he was used to it, every time he so much as thought about hospital bills, even just hospitals themselves, everything that happened in america would come crashing back down.

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