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"U-uumm.. s-sorry Mr President? I think i heard something wrongly. Urghh my hearing nowadays. I think i heard you wrongly. haha haha"

" No you didn't heard it wrong. It's true i said that i like you"

I choke. He begin to stand up on his feet.  Putting both his hands inside pants pocket and walk slowly towards me.

'Don't tell me. What jisoo told me actually true! This expensive president of mine actually likes me!'

"S-sorry?? Y-you like me sir?" I gulp

"Yes" he stop barely an inch from me.

'whaaaaaat na’ah'

"I-i mean.." he rub the back of his neck.

suddenly his dimple is actractive to me. I want to pinch it'

" What i mean is, I personally like you very much, but not for me" he walk one step backwards

'suddenly he  look so Fucking cute that i want to punch hi- ehh?'

"Don't get me wrong. I like you. i like your behaviour and so on"

'huh? Say what now?'

" I don't know why. But my guts keep telling me to introduce you with someone i know"

I didn't said anything and just make a face that said ' why do you think that's a good idea?'

"I really thought you and him will be a good match. I don't know why, but the both of you  slightly same in a way from my perspective. And he's kind of lonely this few months. I was concerned"


"Don't worry. he's handsome too"

"I don't really find a ha-"

"And rich too" he smirk

'And i oop!'

"Ehem!. I'm not a materialistic girl sir"

"I know, that's why I like you for him. I really want you to meet him and know him truthfully for who he truly is" his hand start to move here and there while talking.

"Who is this 'him' actually? Why did you really push me to meet him?"

"You're gonna be shock once i told you who is he"

"Beat me"

"Okay, you're the one who ask for this missy."

I raised one of my eyebrow

"So, he's kind of famous nowadays because he's handsome a-"

"Boss, you can straight away tell me who he is. I'm not really a fan of guessing" he sigh while pinching the bridge of his high nose

"Okay he's the president of the BigHit Hospital"

Awkward silence

'Presiden of BigHit hospital. Big hit....'

' say whaaaaatttt. That's Jisoo's president! And he already in his 70s! Jisoos this president of mine!'

"See. I told you. You're gonna be shock. Now cat got your tongue aren't ya?"

'the hell I'm not with this information!'

”t-that Mr kim?"

"Oh you know him?"

"Ofcourse i do that's my f-"

”told you he's famous. great, then it's easier for you to meet him" he shakes my shoulder in excitement.

No! I don't want to!'

"What's with the silent? You don't want too?" He leveled his height with mine. Meeting my eyes

I shakes my head

"Does he not handsome enough for you? He's rich tho"

" I know he's rich and handsome dang he have a whole hospital of his own. But sir"

"What? It's not like you have already have a boyfriend or a fiance" He step a bit from me while crossing his arms and eyed me with questioning looks.

' touché. Wait a minute....'

"That's the problem."

"What problem?"

"I already have a boyfriend"

" You can dump him"

" I'm in A serious relationship sir, and we're planning to get married soon"

"How soon?"

"Soon enough to hear the wedding bell chimes"


I smirk.. 'i win'

"What is His name? Do i know him?"

'Too fast y/n. Too fast'

”y/n? Hello are you still with me?" He leveled his head with mine. Looking at me menacingly

"Huh? Y-yeah sir, i am”

”so may i know your boyfriend name is?" He move closer, making me jolt backwards without realising. arms still crossed on his chest

”w-why should i told you?"
'name! Name! I need a name!'

"For my own preferences"

”i don't think that's a need"
'who's name i should use? Hoseokie? No!  Jisoo? Who else?! Didn't i have any other friends beside them?!'

" I need to know my staff well y/n. For future preference" this time he already trap me between his work desk and his built body.

I scoff on the outside. But in the inside i was panicking.

"Y/n?" He's brown orbs stares into mine deeply making me gulp in guilty and excitement all over me. when his face is just a few inches from mine.


" Huh?"

"My boyfriend's name is kim Seokjin"

Awkward silence part 2.

”so you're saying that your boyfriend that soon to be your husband named kim Seokjin?"

I nod my head vigorously. He back away and i let out the breath that i didn't realise I've been holding.

"The one with a wide shoulders?”

I nod again.

wait a minute…..’

"How/how-" both of our unfinished words suddenly interupted by someone barging inside the office without knocking.

"Helloooo god of destruction with dimples! Your favourite handsome person on earth had come to visit you. Where is the red carp..  y/n?”

Namjoon turn to look at the person before pinching his nose bridge.

"Here we go again... I told you so many times to knock the fucking door. Wait, you know y/-"

"Yeah.. we both met at malibu"

"Taehyung what are you doing here?"

A/N: You thought it was Seokjin isn't?

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