The girl laid on the big stone coughing,  as the guy is pulling himself out from the cold water weakly.

"You okay?" He asked as he make the girl sit before patting the girl back to calm her cough.

The girl didn't answer his question. She just glaring at him with a burning eyes.

"Am i okay? Okay? Are You fucking Serious? You asked me that after we just jump from a freaking how many feet that tower is actually? I don't know, and i don't want to know? But i surely know that We could die! Seriously?! You really.. you one heck of a.. you, ishh!" She hit the guy continuously as the guy tried to protect himself from her punches.

"Auch! T-that hurt! Stob it. Stob it. Alright, alright I'm sorry."

"Sorry my ass! You asshole"

"But we didn't die right?"

"What if we did die?"

"But we're not"

"Hish!" She ought to hit him again but stop as she sigh. Rolling her eyes as she lied down on the stone huffing. He followed her lay down after.

"Aish! The motorbike!" The girl yelled

"Guess you have to buy a new one" the guy calmy said

She sigh. They were currently resting on a rocky side of the shore. They could see the castle on the cliff from their place. And it looks like the mafia's isn't there anymore.

"Why would you borrow money from a gang of Mafia, pun guy? Are you really in need?" She suddenly ask without looking at him. Still looking at the sky.

"Hurmm.. Maybe because i want to be free? I don't know. I'm tired of working and need a rest, you know... "

"Wait." She start to sit and turned her head to the guy.

"So you were saying. You borrowed money from a goddamn mafia for a vacation?!"

"Emm.. if you put it that way. it kind of.."

"Yah!" She hit him on the chest making him cough and sit up from his place.


"Do you know how much people work their ass off Everyday for money? And you think by borrowing money from mafia could give you the life? Are you seriously trying to kill yourself?  i.. tsk!" She didn't say anything no more. Her eyes tearing while she looks like she tried to stop her sob while hitting him, but he block all of her hit.

"If you cherish your life so much. Why did you safe me then? You know they would kill you too" he shout while holding both of her wrist to stop her hitting him.

"I hate it how you easily give up on your precious life while I.. i am dying. I help you because Sooner or later i would die anyway. So maybe.. just maybe i could act brave and safe someone before i died. It's on my bucket list" She said slowly before yankingng her wrist from the guy before burrying her face onto her knees.

"I never thought i would die this young. There's so much i want to do and achieve. Haish.... I have a long ass of bucket list." her body moved as she sobs. Hugging her knees. The guy don't know what to do and just end up patting her back to comfort her.

"So do it as you still have the time, or you will regret it"

"Shut up!"

"Hey, I love you, so i will do everything with you"

"What the fuck are you saying?"

"Okay, i keep this aside from the beginning. But watch your Language young lady."

"So i am saying what bullshit are you saying now?"


"What nonsense are you planning to do?"

"Well, since i have money and nothing to do. we better tick all of your bucket list together."

"Pfft. What a joke. Who wants to do together with you?"

"Everything perfect when there's two people you know"

"Heh.. yeah right. Whatever pun guy. You're on your own" she rolls her eyes before standing on her feet and walk away.

"I. Kim Seokjin, promise you. that i will do everything on your checklist together with you before i die." She turned around and faced him.


"Let's start again. Hi, I'm kim seokjin. You can call me worldwide handsome or your future husband-to-be" He smiled as hold his hand out for a handshakes.


Your POV

"That guy is crazy. He's a maniac. I want nothing to do with him!"

That morning you wake up from your sleep with one intention. To keep yourself away from that jin guy.

You already pack all of your things and booked a flight ticket to another country last night.

After you get ready, you pull your baggage to exited the suite. But to your dismay. Jin already infront of your door with unexpectedly that peachy pink haired mafia beside him glaring at you.

You gulp.

"W-what are you doing here? A-are you here to k-k-kill m-me?" Believe me when i said i nearly piss myself. Nearly okay, nearly.

"Kill you? Noooo.. we're here For my promise"

"Your promise?" I stood there blurred while he snatched my notebook from my sling bag.

"Hey! That's my dia-"

"First on your bucket list is Watching sunrise!. It seems like you're ready. let's go" he kick my baggage inside and pull my hand to follow him. I abruptly stop and shook my hand.

"What are you talking about? What about THAT guy?" I point at he short mafia leader.

"Oh. don't worry about him. We talked last night and have a deal" he said smiling all happily like nothing would happen.

"What deal?" I clench my teeth as i talking to him in whisper.

He leaned in and whisper back to me.

"It's secret~~.. let's go. We have so much to tick on your list. Don't waste our precious time" he said as he pulled my hands that i couldn't even pull back

'What just happen? Is this trully happening? What did i caught myself into?'

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