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"oppa what happen? Why are you so giddy today? anything happen?"


" Urghh please tell me oppa!  what taehyung been planning for my birthday today? I'm so excited!!"

"You know he planned something all this time?"

"Oppa, it's not a surprise anymore. he always do something on my birthday. I'm stupid if I'm not gonna know this"

" Okay, ! But I can't tell you anything. it's a secret!"

" Awwww c'mon oppa!!"


"Atleast give me a hint. Pretty pweaseee" She blink her eyes cutely.

"Nope. Not gonna make it"

" If you tell me a hint. I'm gonna admit that you're the best worldwide handsome big brother in the world."

She giggles as her deal seems like taking jin interest.

"Okay fine." Jin roll his eyes as she clap her hand in excitement

" Don't tell tae that i told you this okay. You have to fake the excitement later"

"No worries i will" she miming zipping her lips

"So today celebration is not only for your birthday. But he will..."

"He will?"

"He will..."


"Urghhh..  i don't know if i have the right to say th-"

"Oppa cmon!" She bounce in excitement

"Okay okay. He will get on his knees okay?"

" What?" her smile slowly faltering, slowly turn bitter

"There's a ring. Romantic words yada yada yada and all y'know"


"Urgghh must i spell it for you?"

"Oppa don't joke with me... You mean he will.."

"Yes!! He will propose you to be his wife! Tadaaa" jin excitedly wiggle his arms to the sky

"Oppa no.."

"Heck yes! you guys already in a serious relationship for so long. Finally he have a dick to ask you to marry him"

"No.. I can't"

"Ofcourse you can. all you have to do is say yes" jin roll his eyes without knowing her eyes already become teary

"Oppa I can't marry him. I... i won't marry him"

"What? Why? You love him and he loves you"

"No. You don't know oppa"

"What that i didn't kno-" suddenly she pull my tie and cup my face before kissing the side of my lips. I was surprise with what happened but not too blind to see taehyung were standing behind her looking at us kissing.

His eyes holding the look of sadness and betrayed. He leave the place after our eyes make a contact with each other

I push the girl away and tried to chased taehyung but she stop me. crying

"Oppa please"


"Then i know that she had cancer and didn't have time to live longer. She can't marry tae because she didn't want tae to suffer from the lost. She loved tae too much to make him sad. She knows taehyung will burried himself in sadness. She rather make taehyung hate her and move forward than to cry for her."

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